
新概念英语第二册阶段测试 (LESSON 13—LESSON 24)

共十道大题,满分120分 姓名______________ 班级______________ 分数________________

一、选出划线部分读音与其他三项不同的选项(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.A.water B.bank C.have D.thank ( )02.A.into B.photo C.go D.note ( )03.A.film B.child C.wish D.think ( )04.A.you B.touch C.country D.trouble ( )05.A.music B.pupil C.student D.June ( )06.A.star B.party C.warm D.March ( )07.A.city B.decide C.bicycle D.clean ( )08.A.headache B.chair C.teach D.change ( )09.A.snow B.window C.how D.grow ( )10.A.moon B.noon C.cook D.food


01.现代的adj_____ 02.悲哀地adv_____ 03.指示牌_____ 04.服从v._____ 05.助手_____ 06.打断v_____ 07.紧张的adj_____ 08.瓶子_____ 09.鲜艳的adj_____ 10.意识到v_____


01.friend_____02.officer_____03.passport_____04.orange_____05.tomato_____ 06.watch_____ 07.boss_____ 08.child_____ 09.woman_____ 10.family_____ 11.shirt_____ 12.deer_____ 13.sheep_____ 14.police_____15.bottle_____

四、单项选择(1分/题,共20分) ( )01.Tom Hanks is a very _____actor.

A.pretty B. cute C. handsome D. smart

( )02._____!Two girls are under the tree. They _____twins.

A.Look/look the same B .Look/see C. Look/look like D. Look/looks like ( )03.She must look after those_____.

A. cock B. sheep C. horse D. child

( ) 04.You know there are 234_____in our school.

A .man teachers B. men teacher C. men teachers D. man-teachers ( )05.Where are_____?

A.the officer’s room B. the room of the officers C. the officer ’rooms D. the office ( )06.Ten_____is not too much money.

A.dollars B. dollar C. Yuans D. pound

( )07. He is determined to complete his task(任务)___________so many difficulties. A. although B. though C. in spite of D. even though ( )08.Italy is _____European country.

A.a B. an C./ D. the

( )09.They will build_____800-metre-long bridge(桥梁). A .a B .an C./ D .one

( )10.—Have you had _____lunch?— Yes, I had _____good dinner at my friend’s house ,too. A .a/a B .your/a C .the/the D./,/

( )11.There are some birds in the tree .I can’t _____them.


A .look B .look at C .watch D .find

( )12.There_____5 oranges,4 pears and a peach here, but I _____bananas. A .are/like B .is/like C .are/am D .are/is

( )13.Don’t forget to __________me of the meeting tomorrow. A .remember B .tell C .say D .remind

( )14.There are few _____in the fridge .Let’s go and buy some peas ,carrots and cabbages(卷心菜).

A.vegetable B. fruit C. meat D. eggs ( )15.Come and sit________me.

A,besides B. next C. beside D. along

( )16. S.H.E is _____ favorite group .I like them very much. A .your B. her C. his D .my

( )17.Jack is the only proper person to take the job, because the others are all beginners. What does the underlined word mean?

A. bright B. right C. super D. amazing

( ) 18.Tom enjoys listening to music .He has many_____. A.CDs B. clothes C .games D .comics ( )19 .Please give _____some_____.

A.I/glasses B .me/glass C .us/glass D. me/glasses

( )20.After the evening party ,you say to your guests(客人)“_____.” A .Good evening B. Good night C. Sorry D. I’ll be back again.


01. There are 12 books in the desk._____________________________________________________? 02. There is a pen and 2 pencils in the pencil-box.________________________________________? 03. We feel tired and hungry._________________________________________________________? 04. The lady in the yellow dress is my aunt.____________________________________________ _? 05. My classmates often have lunch at school.___________________________________________?


01.too ,Swedish ,our ,bosses ,are __________________________________________________. 02. their ,cousins ,from ,Norway ,aren’t______________________________________________. 03.colours,favourite,what,your,are__________________________________________________. 04.the,passports,or,brown,grey,are__________________________________________________. 05.hardworking,police,the,handsome,are____________________________________________.


01. If Jack_______ (break) his promise again, nobody will trust him any more. 02. Stop________ (complain)! It is useless to complain all the time but do nothing. 03.______ (honest) speaking, I don’t really support your idea.

04. People should be stopped from_________ (throw) garbage into the river. 05. It a _________(waste) of time and energy to play net games too much. 06. I heard somebody crying__________ (sad) downstairs. 07. The sun shines quite___________ (bright) in California.

08. You are not allowed to park your car here, because it’s not a _________(park) area. 09. The old picture___________(reminder) me of my childhood.

10. It’s impolite to__________(interruption) people when they are in the middle of saying something. 11. All of us were ___________(amuse) when Jerry completed his funny story.


12. The training school is looking for some____________(experience) English teachers. 13. It is much more interesting to learn___________(speaking) English than grammar.

14. Cathy is well prepared for her dancing showing. We all wish her a big success in her________ (perform). 15. Justin Bibber is one of the most famous pop __________ (singer) worldwide.


1. I will decorate my bedroom tomorrow. (改为将来进行时)


2. The children ran away. They broke the window.(用after连接两句话,并注意时态) ___________________________________________________________. 3. The sun set. We returned to our hotel. (用after连接两句话,并注意时态) ____________________________________________________________.

4. I don’t like watching TV. Jack doesn’t like watching TV either. (用neither..nor连接两句话) _____________________________________________________________.

5. One of Jack and Jerry will be kicked out of the school soccer team. (用either…or 改写此句话) ______________________________________________________________.


Ben: Leo, you work too hard. Let’s go and sit in the park.

Leo: I can’t do that. I have to study for my English test next week.

Ben: But, Leo… You already know that you’re going to Tsinghai University! Well, what are you going to major(专业) in? Leo: English and management. How about you? Which school are you going to next year, Ben? Ben: Oh, I’m going to work for my dad for a year. Then I’ll go to college after that. Leo: What do you want to study?

Ben: I’m not sure yet. I’d’ like to study Chinese. So, do you want to be an English teacher or work for a big company after 4 years in Tsinghua University?

Leo: In fact, I hope to go on to study computer science in Beijing University.

Ben: Wow. We are quite different! You know, I just want to find an easy job. I guess you will be a computer programmer(电脑程序员).

Leo: Uh-huh. I’d like to.

Ben: Well, I hope to work as a teacher and have a nice family in the future. Leo: Really? I want to make a lot of money. 根据对话内容选择最佳答案。

( )1.What does the sentence “I can’t do that?” mean?

A. I can’t do anything. B. I can’t work. C. I can’t go to the park. D. I can’t study. ( )2 What does the sentence “I’ll go to college after that.” mean?

A. after I left middle school B. after 1 year C. after I work for my father D. Both B and C ( )3 Who may become an English teacher after 4 years?

A. I don’t know. B. Leo. C. Ben D. Both of them ( )4.What is Leo going to study after he leaves Tsinghua University? A. Management B. Chinese C. Computer Science D. English ( )5 What plan does Ben have for his future?

A. To be a teacher B. To make a lot of money C. To be a compute programmer D. Both B and C




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