
第二届海峡两岸口译大赛样题时间:2010-04-02 10:19来源:大赛组委会 作者:大赛组委会 点击:1136次第一环节:综合素质(注:不得记笔记)


With one-third of American children either overweight or obese, schools are searching for ways to help kids eat leaner, healthier meal. The New York City Department of Education has found a simple solution that made a big impact on its students. Between 2005 and 2006, the public schools phased out the use of whole milk, and replaced it with low-fat or skim milk. Even flavored milks such as chocolate were only available in reduced-fat form. Officials were somewhat concerned that students would stop drinking milk altogether, thereby lowering their intake of vital nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D. But in a new study, researchers from New York city’s health department found that milk drinking was actually up slightly in 2009. And the switch to low-fat and skim choices has saved each milk-drinking student nearly 6000 calories and 600 grams of fat each year.


超过 1/3的美国儿童肥胖;学校想法改善饮食;简单解决办法是提供低脂和是提供低脂和脱脂奶。研究显示,这样并未影响他们的营养吸收,反而使学生在多喝奶的同时减少了大量的热量摄入。




Technology transfer is much more complex than just making your technology available to others. China has learnt lessons from the past. Simply being given technology is not good in the long run, as it damages the recipient's own R&D capacity. In negotiating technology transfer deals, the goal should rather be technological co-operation.




B: Well, first it should be noted that Australia’s unemployment rate has just scored up to 5.5 percent, so it’s slightly higher than China’s. Yet this “hurry to marriage” is not a phenomenon that has yet reached our shores, thankfully. Back to your question, if a woman chooses to marry for money, for financial security, is she morally bankrupt? I think not. Perhaps desperate times call for desperate measures. And maybe some women are just doing the best they can in hard times. It is not something I will do, certainly not something I recommend others to do, but if a woman makes her own decision to do this, then I say power to her. //

A:是的。其实我也觉得女大学生的“曲线就业”实际上是一种非常消极的一种应对压力的方式,不仅不能从根本上解除就业压力,而且作为长远来讲,它对未来的婚姻生活是有一定的隐患的。所以有“急嫁族”心理的女大学生们,我还是劝你们应该要为爱而婚。其实,不单单是女大学生,我想我们这种在职的白领,她也面临着随时被载员的危险。中国《劳动法》第 42条规定,“妇女在怀孕、生育和哺乳期的时候是不能被解雇和裁员的。”因此,急忙生一个宝宝,等于有了一张“免裁金牌”。这就是现在我们所谓的“金融危机宝宝”。不知道大洋彼岸的你们是怎样制定你们的“宝贝计划”? //

B: Wow, Financial Crisis babies? In Australia, as far as I know, we don’t have this law, so it’s not really an issue. And in Australia, things are different. Helped by the baby bonus and by a thriving economy, birth rate has been booming since 2007. However, this is set to change due to the financial crisis setting in. Personally speaking, to have a baby for job security, I think, it is a terrible idea and at best totally illogical. Firstly, a mother should consider that the burdens a child places on a family both emotionally and financially will far outweigh any job security it may provide. Secondly, raising a child is incredibly expensive. A recent survey in UK found that on average to raise a child from birth to the age of 21 costs 200, 000 pounds. So if newly weds have not made adequate preparations for this, then they would undergo serve financial hardship. //

第三环节 会议口译 1) 中译英:


第一,扩大内需。这是我们应对当前危机所要采取的刺激消费需求、刺激投资需求的措施,也是一个可以尽快见效的措施。第二,振兴产业。已经通过的十个重点产业调整和振兴规划,是一个中长期结合的规划,是既要为应对当前的危机发挥作用,同时要为未来的发展奠定基础的规划。第三,科技支撑。从长期来看,真正要保持经济又好又快的发展,还得要提高我们的自主创新能力、我们的技术水平、开发能力。第四,大力提高社会保障水平。要解决人民群众生活上的一些困难,解决教育的问题,解决医疗卫生的问题,解决就业的问题。所以这个一揽子计划的实施,我相信对于今年保 8%可以发挥决定性的作用,对于未来的发展,也能够奠定比较坚实的基础。//

2) 英译中:

Ladies and gentlemen,

The theme of my remarks today is policy challenges in responding to the global financial crisis. The sharp global contraction is affecting both advanced and developing countries. According to the IMF, output in advanced economies is expected to contract by 2 percent in 2009, a sharp downward revision from expectations just a couple of months ago. Growth prospects for emerging market and developing countries have been revised downward by a similar magnitude as advanced economies. Global GDP will decline this year for the first time since World War II, with growth at least 5 percentage points below potential. In responding to the global financial crisis, developing and emerging market countries will face three main policy challenges.

The first policy challenge is stabilization. Given the unprecedented severity of the crisis, the challenge for policymakers is to assess their ability to undertake countercyclical policies given the resources available to them as well as their institutional and administrative capacity to rapidly expand and adapt existing programs. //

The second polity challenge is protecting longer-term growth and development. An important lesson learned during the Asian financial crisis in the 1990’s was that neglecting core development spending during a major crisis can have great long-term disadvantages. As we are responding to immediate fiscal pressures, we cannot reduce public spending on the maintenance of existing infrastructure essential for economic development. Otherwise, rehabilitation over the longer term can be costly and economic recovery held back.

The third policy challenge lies in protecting the vulnerable. The crisis is projected to increase poverty by around 46 million people in 2009. Inevitably, the crisis will impact social and human development objectives. This implies new spending needs and may warrant a re-prioritization of existing public spending. Critical to protecting people in poor and “at-risk” countries will be the ability of governments to finance programs that create jobs, ensure the delivery of core services, and provide safety nets. //



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