
03 课后演练提能


Ⅰ. 单词拼写

1. It is an ________(明显的) fact that we have won the game. 答案:evident

2. He made an ________(尝试) to jump over the wall, but it was too high.


3. This project is still under discussion because it is________(有争议的).


4. That young man wanted to devote himself to________(抽象的) research.


5. We are convinced that we can achieve the ________(目标) with our own efforts.


6. Luckily for him, only a small part of his ________(财产) were lost in this fire.


7. Whatever happened, the great man had ________(信任) in his people and nation.


8. What a ________(巧合)! I didn't expect to see you in such a remote foreign country.


9. Some possible consequences of a great population were________ (预测) many years ago.


10. To get yourself improved quickly, I'd rather you________(采纳) all helpful tips.

答案:adopted Ⅱ.介副词填空

1. Miss Song has faith________Christ. 答案:in

2. Their research has concentrated ________ a drug which can prevent the AIDS.


3. When she wore that dress,Jane looked________a princess. 答案: like

4. The pickpocket broke away________ the policeman who had been holding him.


5. Dangerous drugs were found ________ her possession; therefore, she was arrested.


6. I've seen the film scores________ times. 答案:of

7. My remarks were not aimed________ you. 答案:at

8. ________ coincidence I will go too, let us go together. 答案:By

9. ________one hand I have to work; ________the other hand I have many visitors to see.


10. I am here ________ the aim of doing as well as possible. 答案:with Ⅲ. 完成句子

1. -Did you go to the party last night?

-Yes, and I'd rather______________________________.(go) ——你昨晚去参加聚会了吗? ——去了。不过我真想我没有去过。

答案:hadn't gone 在would rather的宾语从句中应用虚拟,该句是对过去即last night发生情况的一种假设,所以用hadn't gone。

2. I know my job isn't well paid, but____________________ ______________I don't have to work long hours. (hand)


答案:on the other hand 根据句意,考查固定短语。 3. The workers worked day and night, ______________ __________the task on time. (aim)


答案:aiming at finishing/completing或是aiming to finish/complete,考查aim的用法,aim at doing sth. 和aim to do sth. 均表示“旨在做某事”。

4. ________________________________the method we decided to adopt was practical. (evident)

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