
Thank you chairman! Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, good morning! I’m very gland to be the prime minister. Our side firmly believes thatThe advantages of mobile devices outweigh the disadvantages over interpersonal distance. 定义:

Mobile device, in this case,means the mobile phone. It’s a kind of intelligent and multiple mobile equipment which covers information, communication, entertainment,internet and so on. There is no doubt that mobile phoneis an important tool and plays anindispensable role in our life. Now let’s have a look at the definition of interpersonal distance. Distance, we must admit that it includes the aspects of time, space and emotion. So our group will demonstrate the impact of mobile phones on narrowing the distance between people from these three aspects.



First of all, the mobile phone makes communication between people easier, convenient and fast, directly narrow the emotional distance between the people.

As we know, man is the sum of all social relations, and human social relations are maintained by contact. With the development of science and technology, human being has changed from a relatively isolated state to a interrelated and inseparable whole.

Since ancient times, writing letters has been the bridge to contact people. The information transmission is very slow and inconvenient, which leads to the lagging of information exchange.

In today's information age, people are involved in the fierce competition and tremendous pressure. They spend all day running around the work. There is no time and energy to visit relatives and friends or communicate with them through letters to send greetings and blessings, let alone talking face to face. This will inevitably alienate the distance between people.

While the emergence of mobile phones, enrich the way of communicating between people. As a new intelligent device, it has many functions, such as telephone, voice, video and message. So that people's voice can be timely and effective communicated, all kinds of messages can be quickly and easily delivered. 丰富交流方式

This powerful function can not only makes life more

convenient, save your valuable time and reduce costs, but also gives the emotion a magical channel of transmission, from which, the warmth and care can be expressed whenever and wherever possible, naturally closer to the emotional distance between people. 节约时间、降低成本

As for me,as a college student, cause Heilongjiang province is far from Changsha, it is hard for me to go back home frequently. However, I can video chat through mobile phone with my mother anytime and anywhere I like, which really ease the miss. I think so do most of you. For example, yesterday is Mother’s Day, and I believe all of you must gave a call to your mother, right? 缓解思念


Secondly, mobile phone fills the shortcomings of other means of communication with its convenience and rapidness, which makes social connections more diversified and enriched. It narrows the geographical distance between people. 互补

Mobile phones and letters, face-to-face talk and other traditional ways of communication are mutual complement. They supplement each other. We do not deny the role of other means of communication. All of them are members of the three-dimensional and diversified communication network of

today’s modern community, but mobile phone is the most common one. With it, the relationship between people has undergone a fundamental change. So today people always say the earth became smaller and became a global village. 地球村

Imagine such a scene: One day, you lie on the sofa at home and chat with a stranger on the other side of the globe just use one small mobile phone, isn’t amazing? 陌生人


What’s more, because speech communication serves as the major form for the order transmission, the use of mobile phone effectively save the time to transmit to above and below and greatly improved work efficiency. That is narrow the time distance.


Last but not least, along with the rapid development of communication technology, mobile phones are more and more frequently appear and popular in our daily life.It is an inevitable trend. Whether in terms of time, space, or emotion, mobile phone is able to narrow the distance between people.

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