

Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed a boy ahead of him. He had tripped(绊倒) and dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with some clothes, a baseball bat and a glove.

Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the things. Since they were going the same way, he offered to carry some things for the boy.

As they walked, Mark discovered the boy’s name was Bill. He loved video games, baseball and history, but he was having trouble with some of his subjects.

They arrived at Bill’s home first. Mark was invited in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed pleasantly with some laughs and talk. Then Mark went home.

They continued to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, then both graduated from junior school.

Three days before graduation, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.

Bill reminded Mark of the day years ago when they had first met. “Did you ever wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill.

“You see, I took away all my things from school. I had stored away some of my mother’s sleeping pills(安眠药). I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent some time talking and laughing, I realized that if I had died, I would have missed so many good times. So you see, Mark, when you picked up those books that day, you did a lot more. You saved my life.”

1、When Bill fell down on his way home, Mark helped him pick up the things. A. T B. F


解析:利用题干关键词Bill fell down(摔倒), Mark helped him,定位文中第一段最后一句和第二段第一句:He had tripped and dropped all of the books he was carrying, …Mark knelt down and helped the boy pick up the things. (他绊倒了,散落了所有他拿着的书……Mark跪下来,帮着他捡起这些东西。)所以选择A。

2、Bill was good at all of his subjects. A. T B. F


解析:利用题干关键词Bill, his subject(学科),定位文中第三段最后一句:He loved video games, baseball and history, but he was having trouble with some of his subjects.(他喜欢电子游戏、棒球和历史,但他在某些学科上有麻烦。)所以他并不是was good at(擅长)所有学科,所以选B。

3、At Bill’s home, they didn’t have a pleasant talk.

A. T B. F


解析:利用题干关键词Bill’s home, pleasant(愉快的)talk,定位文中第四段:They arrived at Bill’s home first…The afternoon passed pleasantly with some laughs and talk.(他们先到了Bill家……那个下午在愉快的笑声和谈话中过去了。)所以题干说他们 didn’t have 愉快的谈话是错误的,选择B。

4、Three days before graduation, Bill asked Mark to talk because he wanted to tell him his story. A. T B. F


解析:利用题干关键词Three days before graduation,定位文中第六段。根据随后第七、八段的意思,可以知道Bill重新提起他们的第一次相遇,以及他那天的境况。所以题干陈述正确。

5、Bill would have been dead without Mark’s help. A. T B. F


解析:利用题干关键词Bill, dead,定位文中最后一段第三、四句:I was going home to kill myself. But after we spent some time talking and laughing, I realized that if I had died, I would have missed so many good times. (我将回家去自杀。但是在我们花了些时间聊天和欢笑之后,我意识到如果我死了,我就会错过很多美好的时光。)所以题干说:如果没有Mark的帮助,Bill可能已经死了,是正确的。


Modern life is impossible without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by plane. with a modern airliner you can travel in one day places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago.

Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but is has its advantages. you can see the country you are traveling through. modern trains have comfortable seats and dining-cars. They make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. there are large liners and river boats. you can visit many other countries and different parts of your country on them. ships are not so fast as trains or planes but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holiday.

Many people like to travel by car. you can make your own timetable. you can travel three or four hundred miles or only fifty or one hundred miles a day, just as you like, you can stop where ever you wish -where there is something interesting to see, at good restaurant where you can enjoy a good meal, or at a hotel to spend the night. that is why traveling by car is popular for pleasure trips, while people usually take a train or plane when they are traveling on business.

1、From the passage,we know the fastest way of traveling is by plane. A. T

B. F



2、The underlined word “They” in the passage refers to comfortable seats and dining-cars. A. T B. F



3、If we travel by car, we can make our own timetable. A. T B. F



4、When people travel on business, they usually take a plane or a car. A. T B. F



5、Four ways of traveling are mentioned in the passage. A. T B. F




There was once many sheiks (阿拉伯的酋长)who wanted to marry Queen Maura, for she was one of the most beautiful queens of Arabia.

However, she did not like most of the sheiks, and soon there were only three left on her list of possible husbands.

These three sheiks were all equally young and handsome, rich and strong.

It was very hard for the Queen to choose the best one.

One evening, she disguised herself and went to where the three sheiks were having there evening meal.

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