

Guided Learning Plan Unit 4,Book5 Making the News

Period 5 Using Language

Learning goals: 1. Understand the content of the passage. 2. Master the language points in this period.

A. 自主探究(二轮阅读)


Read the text and answer the following questions. 1. What’s the main idea of the passage?

The passage tells us the __________of writing and printing for a newspaper article. 2. How many people read Zhou Yang’s article before it was ready to be processed into film negative? Who were they? 二.二轮阅读找难点

1.主要的_________ 2.年长的_________ 3.赞成_________ 4.版本_________ 5.加工,处理_________ 6.精确的_________ 7.技术的_________ 8.部门,系_________ 9.润色,擦亮_________ 10.任命_________ 11.在 前面_________ 12.编辑_________ 13.最后___________ 14.开始认真做…___________ 15.编审___________ 16.技术编辑__________ 17.主编____________ 18.新闻文字编辑_______________

1). senior ①adj. 年长的, (级别、职位、资格)较高的, 高年级的(作定语) senior position 高级职位; senior high school 高中; senior officer 高官 My sister is two years senior to me. 我姐姐比我大两岁。 The position had to be filled by an officer senior to Jhonson. 这个位置必须由一个职位高于约翰逊的官员来担任。 Williams felt himself to be senior to all of them. 威廉斯自认为比他们所有人资格都要老。

②n. 年长者, 上司,毕业班或高年级的学生

Jim will be a senior next year. 吉姆明年将成为毕业班的学生。 [拓展] junior adj. 较年幼的,资力较浅的,低年级的

I am two years junior to my sister. 我比姐姐小两岁。 观察: I am two years juniorer to my sister. (错误)

My sister is two more years senior to me. (错误) 2). approve vt. 赞成,认可,批准

Do you approve of his idea? 你同意他的观点吗?

I don’t approve of smoking in office. 我不赞成在办公室里吸烟.

He doesn’t approve of me leaving school this year. 他不同意我今年离校. The government approved the building plan. 政府批准了这项建筑计划. 3). appointment n. 约会,任命,职务,职位

I made an appointment to see a specialist. 我约好去见一位专家。 She has an appointment with her assistant. 她和她的助理约好了见面。 appoint vt. 任命,委派, 约定

A date for the meeting is still to be appointed. 会议日期尚待确定。

In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appoint 1 / 5


you as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。 4). ahead of… 在……(空间/时间)前面,超过 There is a river ahead of us. 我们面前有一条河.

The time here is nine hours ahead of Beijing. 这里的时间比北京早9个小时。 Our plan is ahead of schedule. 我们的计划提前了。 He is ahead of me in English. 他的英语比我的好。 B. 合作探究

一. Read the passage to work out the writing and printing process for an article. 1 2. You do some research to see if the story is true or not. 5 4 3 6 7. All the stories and photos are set and the color negatives for the printing are made ready. 8

二. 1.请根据呈现例句归纳senior 的用法及其意思:

_____________________________________________________________ 其反义词: __________, 搭配及其意思:________________________________ 注意: senior 和junior 本身都是比较级形式,无须再添加_________或______; 这三个词用于比较级中不与 than 连用,而与 ______ 连用。 2. 请根据例句总结approve 的搭配及其意思:

1).__________________; 2)___________________; 3).__________________ 3. 请根据例句总结appointment 的用法及其意思:

1)._______________________; 2).____________________________ appoint: ______________________________________

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1.The textbook was first published in 2004 and is now in its second ______ (edit). 2. You should phone his secretary if you want to make an __________ (appoint). 3. How many _____________ (系) do you have in your university? 4. She ____________________ the member of the committee (appoint). 5. You should give the house a _________ (彻底的) cleaning.

6. He is a ________ (天才的) musician and promises to be a famous musician. D、延伸拓展

1. It displeases my parents when Richard and I stay out late at night. My parents don't approve ____.

A. of Richard and me staying out late at night B. of me and Richard staying out late at night C. to Richard's and my staying out late at night D. when Richard and me stay out late at night

2. They held a party to celebrate their completing the task _____ time.

A. in front of

B. out of C. ahead of D. according to

3. Children need many things, _______, they need love.

A. after all B. first of all C. last of all D. at last 4. ---Would you mind if I opened the door? --- ________________.

A. Yes, go ahead B. No, go ahead C. Yes, please D. Never mind 5. ----Mary had a wonderful time at the party. ---- ________, and _________.

A. So she did; so did I B. So did she; so did I C. so she had; so I did D. So had she; so I did

6. In my opinion, the ______ boy really has ________ for oil painting. A. gifted; gift B. gift; gift C. gifting; a gift D. gifted; a gift

7. ___________________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange C. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound

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