牛津译林版七年级上册Starter 《In the park》导学案(1)

Starter Unit 6 In the park

第1课时 welcome to the unit &listening and speaking


1能正确理解、掌握介词的基本用法。 2 掌握该部分词汇。 【课前预习】

一 预习书28页,用适当的介词填空

(1) There is a dog ________ the tree.

(2) There are some books ________ the bag. (3) I am __________ the hills.

(4) A book is _______ the teacher’s desk. (5) Look, it’s a photo ________ my family.

(6) There are some numbers _______ the blackboard. (7) Where’s the cat? It’s _______ the door. (8) Are there any doors ________ the wall?.

二 预习书28页Welcome to the unit部分,写四个句子说明他们的位置。

I am____________________. Lily is ___________________.

Spotty is __________________. Millie is ____________________. 三 预习书28页listening部分,写四句话说出在公园不能做哪些事情。

Don’t ____________________. Don’t ____________________. Don’t ____________________. Don’t ____________________.

四 预习书29页的图,根据对话的内容,在每个空白处填上一个适当的词,使对话意思完整。

A: Look______ the picture. ______ is in the park? B: There ______ a lake in it. A: What’s _______the lake? B: There are_______ boats on it. A: _______ is the seesaw ? B: It’s on the _________. A: Is there a slide? B: _______, there is. A: What’s that in the tree? B: _______ a bird. 【课堂训练】


在椅子下面 _________________________在门后面______________________ 在双胞胎姐妹之间 ___________________在商店旁边 ___________________ 在大门前面 _________________________在公园里 ____________________ 摘花 / 摘苹果 _______________________爬树 / 爬山 __________________ 在湖里 / 河里游泳 ___________________给小鸟 / 动物喂食_____________ 二、补全对话:请选用下面方框内所给的词的适当形式完成对话:

near, animal, zoo, in, aren’t,

about, nice, park, some, many

Millie: Jill, there is a new __________near my house. Jill: Oh, that’s ___________. What’s ___________it?

Are there _______lakes?

Millie: No, there __________, but there is a __________. Jill: Are there any birds in it?

Millie: Yes, there are __________, and there are lots of small __________, too. Jill: What ___________shops?

Millie: There are some small shops __________the park. 三、完成句子:

1. 操场上有多少孩子?有三十个。

-________many _________ _________there on the _________? -There are _________.

2. -那只猫在哪儿?-它在床的下面。

- _______ _______ the _______? -_______ _______ the bed. 3. 那些树又高又壮。

_________ _________ are_________ and_________. 4. 她有一些好朋友在一班。

She_______ _______ good _______ in ______ _______. 5. 别在湖里游泳。

_______ _______ in the_______. 6. 公园里有很多美丽的花草树木。

_________ are ________ of beautiful _________ and trees in the park. 【课后巩固】 一. 句型转换:

1.There are sixteen boys and fourteen girls in my class. (同义句) We ____________ _____________ students in my class. 2. There are some people in the shop.(改为一般疑问句) ___________ __________ _________ people in the shop? 3. Feed the monkey. (改否定句)

____________ ____________ the monkey.

4. There is only one English book in my bag. (对画线部分提问) _________ ________ English books_________ _________in your bag? 5. It’s an old box.(改为复数形式) ________ old ___________.

6. There are many flowers in the garden (对划线部分提问) __________ ____________in the garden? 7. Bill sits behind Tom.( 改为同义句)

Tom sits _________ _________ __________ Bill. 8. The birds are in the tree. (对画线部分提问) ___________ _____________the birds? 二 用适当的介词填空

1 What grade is this student __________? 2 Look! That new car is ___________the lake.

3 The shoes ____________ the bed are my father’s. 4 ---Where is his sister? ---She is _______home.

5 ---What’s that? ----It’s a picture __________our classroom.

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