2019七年级英语下册 Unit 7 练习1(无答案)(新版)牛津深圳版

7B Unit7 练习题

一、词汇 A)选择并抄写单词或短语。 1. Do you like a _________ ( shower; showing)?

2. Workers are working on the building ________.(工地)

3. The road is _________ (wide; narrow),it can’t allow too many cars go through it. 4. Many people are afraid of the ________ (height length), They can’t the top of the mountains.

5. ZhiZhuxia is a __________ (man; superman), he always fight against bad people. 6. Daisy, ______ (open, opens) the door.

7. The baby is sleeping. Please ___________ (be quiet, quiet)! 8. Please ________ (turn, turning) to Page 75 9. _________ (don’t, not) be late again. 10. Don’t ________ (sleep, sleeping) in class.


1. Before you enter the room, you should__________(敲) on the door 2. Drivers should________ (遵循) the rules to drive their cars. 3. It is a_______ (吓人的) film and few people want to see it 4. She told us the news in a happy_________(嗓音) 5. Rita________ (带) her pet mouse to school

6. The old man is sitting at the newspaper _________ (摊位). 7. She is ________ (微笑) at the interviewer.

8. When the bus stops, some people _______ (迅速移动) out. 9. Every morning there are a big _______(群)of old people.

10. Parents are always _________ _________ (担心)their children outside.

C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. __________ (not play) football in the street. It is dangerous. 2. __________ (not wear) strange clothes at school.

3. ___________(get) up early and you’ll catch the early bus. 4. ___________(not keep) the boy standing outside.

5. He is about two meters in ________. He’s _______ up in the clouds _______ than a kite. (high)

6. He is always _______ about his grade. (worry)

7. They dug another two _______in the village. She speaks English _______. I don’t feel


very_______. (well)

8. And he’s still _______. Let’s make a million _______. (smile) 9. He left the door _______because the weather is hot. (open) 10. Danny ________first prize in the competition last week. (win) 11.The boys are ______about the coming holiday. (excite)

12. Trees can make streets less _________and more beautiful.(noise) 13. Tom and his parents have been to Hainan__________.(two) D) 用what,what a / an,how填空: a. _________ clever boy Bob is! b. _________ clever boys they are! c. __________ heavily it is raining! d. __________ beautiful the picture! e. __________ bad weather! f. __________ bad the weather is! g. __________ important news it is! 二、选择填空

1. Tom, ____ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one. A. don’t B. not C. not be D. don’t be

2. ____ kind and helpful to the people around us, and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.

A. Be B. Being C. To be D. Been 3. ____ lovely the squirrel is!

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a

4. -____ weather it is! We can’t go boating on the Xuanwu Lake. -Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Science Museum instead. A. What good B. How good C. What a good D. What bad 5. _____ great picture! Who painted it? A . How B. What C. How a D. What a

6. Tom, ____ play basketball in the street next time. You may get hit by a car A. do B. don’t C. must D. mustn’t

7. -___ dressed now! We have to go in ten minutes. –OK, Mom. A. Getting B. Get C. To get D. Gets


8. Mr. Li is always patient to give me_____ on how to work out the problems. A. an advice B. many advices C. some advice D. piece of advice 9. He hopes his friends _____to see him. A. to come B. can come C. comes D. came 10.Li Lei is helpful. He often helps _____. A. the other B. others C. another D. other 三、句型转换

1.He was so tired that he couldn’t go on working. He was __________ tired __________ go on working.

2.They’re going to work in a hurry. They’re ________ _________ work. 3.What a narrow street it is! ________ ________ the street it is! 4.Reading in bed is harmful to your eyes.

_______ harmful to your eyes _______ ________ in bed.

5.Water doesn’t have any taste. Water has no taste _______ _______ . 6. Don’t worry about me. _________ _______ _______ ______ me. 四、完形填空

John Keats was born in London in 1795. He was one of the most famous poets(诗人) in the 1 language. Unlike many writers at that time, Keats’s family was quite 2 , but they tried to save enough money for Keats to train to be a doctor. His experiences of helping the sick and the dying made him 3 more about the suffering(苦难) around him. However, he soon decided 4 his studies and spend all his time writing poems.

His first book of poems appeared in 1817, when Keats was only 22 years old. 5 , in 1819, he wrote most of his famous poems. Unluckily, in the same year, he 6 a disease. Keats 7 at the beginning of 1821, at the age of 25. He left a lot of great poems. These poems will 8 be forgotten. ( )1. A. Japanese B. French

C. English D. Chinese

( )2. A. kind B. weak C. poor D. rich ( )3. A. look

B. care C. read

D. listen

( )4. A. to stop B. stopping C. to continue D. continue ( )5. A. When ( )6. A. knew

B. Later C. After D. Before

B. found C. showed D. caught


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