
LEVEL1A Book1 The hat 帽子




本故事主要开发孩子的内省智能以及人际交往智能,让孩子学会与别人一起分享,懂得欣赏与谦让。 Letters: Aa Bb Cc

Words: dog (狗) cat (猫) horse(马) mouse(老鼠) hen (母鸡) hat (帽子) Story: A hat. A dog. A cat. A horse. A mouse. A hen. A hat.

Daily expression: Say \对我说“你好”) Hello!Hello!Stand up.(起立)

Sit down.(坐下)Listen to me.(听我说)Look at me. (看着我)

Song: It's a dog It's a dog, It's a dog, woof, woof, woof; It's a dog, It's a dog, with a great big nose. It's a cat, It's a cat, mew, mew, mew; It's a cat, It's a cat, with a great big nose. A cat and a dog, with a great big nose.

It's a mouse, It's a mouse, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak; It's a mouse, It's a mouse, with a great big nose. It's a horse, It's a horse, neigh, neigh, neigh, neigh, it's a horse, it's a horse, with a great big nose. A mouse and a horse, with a great big nose. Chant: listen listen listen Listen listen, squeak squeak. A mouse, a mouse, a mouse squeak. Listen listen, mew mew. A cat, a cat, a cat mew. listen listen, woof woof. A dog A dog, A dog woof. Listen listen, neigh neigh. A horse, a horse, a horse neigh. Listen listen, cluck cluck. A hen, a hen, a hen cluck.

LEVEL1A Book2 In the kitchen在厨房


本故事主要开发孩子的内省智能,告诉孩子一定要珍惜别人的劳动成果,不要随便乱丢东西,同时也要告诉孩子吃东西要有节制,否则就会影响身体健康。 Letters: Dd Ee Ff

Words: banana(香蕉)apple(苹果)milk(牛奶)cheese(奶酪)peanut(花生)cake(蛋糕) Story: wow! Cheese! wow! Bananas! wow! Apples! wow! Milk! Yummy cake! Yummy peanuts!

What a mess!

Daily Expression:Are you ready?(准备好了吗?)Yes!(是的!)Who can try?(谁想试一试?)

Let me try!(我想试!)Smell it.(闻一闻)Touch it.(摸一摸)Bite it.(咬一口)

Song: The muffin man

Oh, do you know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man? Oh, do you know the muffin man, who lives in Drury Lane?

Oh, yes I know the muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man. Oh, yes I know the muffin man, who lives in Drury Lane.

Chant: In the kitchen Have some apples. Ok! Ok! Have some bananas. Nice! Nice! Have some peanuts. Yummy! Yummy! Have some cakes. Super! Super! Have some cheese. Great! Great! Have some milk. Hurray! Hurray!

Level 1A Book 3 Eggs鸡蛋


本课主要开发小朋友的语言智能和学习基本的安全常识。 Letters: Gg Hh Ii

Words: egg(鸡蛋)chef(厨师)spoon(勺子)pan(平底锅) fire(火)fan(扇子) Story: A chef. Eggs. A pan. A spoon. Oh, fire! A fan. Eggs!

Daily Expression:Go pee pee.(去上厕所。) One by one.(一个接一个)

Wash your hands.(洗洗手) Wipe your hands.(擦干手)

Be quite, please.(请安静点) Listen to me.(听我说) Have some water.(喝点水)

Song: Copy Me! Copy, copy, copy me do. I do this. Woohu! And you do it, too. Copy, copy, copy me do. I do this. Yippee! And you do it, too. Copy, copy, copy me do. I do this. Aiyayayaya! And you do it, too. Copy, copy, copy me do!. Chant: Eggs One egg, two eggs, three eggs four. Five eggs, six eggs, seven eggs more. One pan, two pans, three pans four. Five pans, six pans, seven pans more.

Level 1A Book 4 Help!救命!


本课主要开发孩子的自然观察智能和空间智能,培养孩子的观察力、创造力和想象力。 Letters: Jj Kk Ll Mm

Words: truck (卡车) bus(公交车)car(小轿车)blue(蓝色)red(红色)yellow(黄色) Story: A blue truck. Oh,no ! A yellow bus. Oh,no ! A red car. Oh,no ! Help! Daily Expression:Take a nap now.(上床睡觉吧) Go to bed.(去上床)

Close your eyes.(闭上眼睛)Wake up.(醒一醒)Time to get up.(该起床了)

Song: Drive the Car Car, car, drive the car, drive the red car. Beep, beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep, beep! Bus, bus, drive the bus, drive the yellow bus. Beep, beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep, beep! Truck, truck, drive the truck, drive the blue truck. Beep, beep, beep, beep! Beep, beep, beep! Chant: The Truck Is Stuck Blue truck, blue truck, go, go, go! Stuck, stuck, oh no! Yellow bus, yellow bus, go, go, go! Stuck, stuck, oh no! Red car, red car , go, go, go! Stuck, stuck, oh no!

Level 2A Book 1 Hello 你好


本课主要开发孩子的人际交往智能,表现为对别人要热情,学会与别人一起分享东西。 Letters: Aa apple(苹果) Bb banana(香蕉) Cc car(汽车)

Words: Ellie (艾丽) Fanny(范妮)Grace(格雷丝)Mark(马克)Sam(山姆)Benny(班尼)

Billy(比利) Rita(丽塔)

Sentence: What's your name? (你的名字是什么?) I'm Ellie.(我是艾丽)

Story: Hello! I'm Benny. Hello, what’s your name? I'm Sam. Hello!What's your name? I'm Mark. Hello. What's your name? Hi, I'm Rita. Hello. What's your name? Hi, I'm Fanny. Hello. What's your name? Hello, I’m Grace. Hello. What's your name? Hello, I’m Billy. Hello, I'm Ellie. No, Ellie! Ahhhh!

Daily Expression:Be quite, please.(请安静)Listen to me.(听我说)Stand up.(起立)Sit down.(坐下) Let's do the roll call.(我们来点名) Mark.(马克) Here!(到) Fanny.(范妮) Here!(到) Who is not here today?(今天谁没来?)Billy is not here.(比利没来) Come here.(到这来) Go back.(回去吧) Song: Teddy bear

Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear, clap your hands. Teddy bear, teddy bear, jump up high. Chant: what's your name? What’s your name? What’s your name? Hello, hello. What’s your name? I am Ellie. I am Ellie. What’s your name?

Level 2 A Book 2 Guess 猜猜看

课程说明:在这个故事中,小象Ellie 和小狐狸Fanny在森林里看到了很多特别有意思的小动物,但是他们看见的只是小动物的局部。小象和小狐狸只是根据小动物们的局部就对其进行了猜测。由于老虎和小猫的尾巴长得太相似了,他们错把一只露出尾巴的老虎当成了一只猫,结果被老虎追赶。


Letters: Dd door(门)Ee egg(鸡蛋)Ff fork(叉子)

Words: dog(狗) fish(鱼) cat(猫)monkey(猴子) tiger(老虎) owl(猫头鹰 )butterfly

(蝴蝶) peacock(孔雀)fan(扇子) branch(树枝) Sentence: what's this? (这是什么?)It's a dog.(这是一只狗) Is it a cat? (这是一只猫吗)No. (不

是)Is it a dog? (这是一只狗吗?) Yes. (是的)

Story: what's this? It's a fish. What’s this? It's a dog. What’s this? It's a cat. Is it a branch? No. It's a monkey. Is it a fan? No. It's a peacock. Is it an owl? No. It's a butterfly. Is it a cat? No! It's tiger. Daily Expression:May I go pee pee? (我可以上厕所吗?) Yes,line up.(可以,请排队。)One by one.(一个接一个。) Flash the toilet.(冲厕所。) Turn on the tap.(打开水龙头。) Wash your hands.(洗洗手) Turn off the tap.(关上水龙头。) Wipe your hands. (擦擦手。) Song: Going to the zoo Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow. Daddy's taking us to the zoo tomorrow, and w can stay all day! We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo. How about you, you, you? You can come too, too, too. We're going to the zoo,zoo, zoo. Chant: Lovely animals Dog, dog, woof, woof, woof. Cat, cat, mew, mew, mew. Tiger, tiger, roar, roar,roar. Fish, fish, swim,swim,swim. Monkey, monkey, swing, swing, swing. Butterfly, butterfly, fly, fly, fly. Peacock, peacock, how beautiful!

Level 2A Book 3 Happy birthday生日快乐



Letters: Gg girl(女孩) Hh house(房子) Ii Indian (印第安人)

Words: cake(蛋糕) card(卡片) gift(礼物) candle(蜡烛) one (1) two (2 )three (3) four (4) five (5) Sentences: How old are you? (你几岁了?)I'm three.(我三岁了。) A gift for you. (送给你一个礼物。) Thank you.(谢谢你!)

Story: Today is my birthday. No one likes me. Happy birthday, Ellie! A cake for you. Thank you. Two cards for you! Great! How old are you? I'm three! Four gifts for you! Thank you. Happy birthday, Ellie! Thank you.

Daily Expression:Happy birthday. (生日快乐。)Make a wish.(许个愿吧。) Blow out the candles.(吹蜡烛吧。)Let's cut the cake.(我们来切蛋糕吧.) Keep to the right.(靠右边走。) Are you ready? (准备好了吗?) Yes!(是的。)Ready? Set. Go!(预备,跑!) Come on!(加油!) Stop!(停!) Song: Happy birthday Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear friend. Happy birthday to you. Chant: How old are you? How how old are you? Three, three, I'm three. A gift for you. A card for you. Happy birthday! Thank you.

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