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Just finished the product of the experimental report, a little tired, open qq above friends, look at their status quo, free to turn to \Looking at those who dumbfounding, but also a little philosophical, a little bit of the vicissitudes of the personality of the signature, my heart has been numb.
\been accustomed to your dependence ... ...\child, a seventh grade students. Little hair a child, a fear of losing the focus, lose the attention of others boys. Small, always arranged to sit in the first table, but he did not like to do the first table, so always turned to talk with the students behind. Sitting on the stool as if the ass long teeth, turn a non-stop, late study time, like speech, like to ask questions, but always some of the problems associated with learning, some questions I can not answer, but still know how to respect I just just do not speak. Now do not know how, and certainly grow tall enough to say, do not know what looks like now.
the happiness found that these students will quote the TV program to do their own signature Not just these students, some friends are like this, that they will feel life, and feel these feelings. But I think they are still too small, and can not be responsible for this feeling, but the expectations of love and curiosity Bale. They see are only appearance, because even if they are still growing, the character has not been stable.
\to the past, last year belongs to the past, miss which is the past? Now all the first three, I do not know what they are doing. Some time ago a student called the teacher told him to go back, and so on to return to school when graduation