

下册Module 1 Lost and found综合测试题


mobile phone, hundreds of, in a hurry, look for, at the airport 1. Mr. Green’s son is ill, he takes him to the hospital ________. 2. The farmer keeps ________ pigs on his farm. 3. The man’s wallet is lost, he ________ it.

4. Mike has a nice ________, he often uses it to call his pen friend. 5. Mr. Smith is waiting for his friends ________.

whose, lose, mine, my, your, yours, her, hers, careful, purple 6. —Tony, is this _______ bag?

—No, it’s not _______. Let me ask Lingling, maybe it’s _______. 7. —_______ pen is this?

— It’s _______ pen. I am looking for it. 8. —What color are Mary’s shoes? — _______ shoes are ________. 9. —Where is Mr Smith?

— He is talking to a boy at the _______ and found office.

10. — Is this sweater ________, Tom? Please be _________ with your things. — Thanks a lot. I will. 二、选择填空。(20分)

( )1. There is ______ eraser on the desk. It’s Mary’s.

A. a B. an C. the D. / ( )2. — Is this ______ camera? — No, it isn’t ______.

A. theirs; their B. hers; his C. your; mine D. your; my ( )3. — The pet pig in your hand is very nice . Is it ______?

— Yes, but I’ll give it to my friend Lucy as ______ birthday present. A. you; her B. your; her C. yours; her D. you; hers ( )4. —Hi, Jim. Is this your bike or Mary’s? —It’s mine, not ______.

A. her B. him C. his D. hers ( )5. Mr. Zhang teaches ______ English. We like ______ class very much.


A. us; his B. me; her C. us; ours D. us; her ( )6. —Are these books ________?

—No, They aren’t mine. They are ________.

A. her; yours B. yours; hers C. your; his D. you; hers ( )7. —How many people come to your town every week? —It’s hard to say. _______ people, I think.

A. Five thousand of B. Hundred of C. Five hundreds D. Thousands of ( )8. He can ______ you ______ your lost things.

A. help; find B. helps; to find C. help; finding D. helps; look for

( )9._______ is a good student. All the teachers like _______ very much.

A. She; her B. She; him C. He; his D. She; hers ( )10.You'd better use ______ computer. _______ is broken.

A. his, My B. his, Mine C. he, My D. him, Mine ( )11. Is this guitar_____?

A. yours B. your C. she D. her

( )12. This is my wallet, I think that one is_______.

A. you B. your C. yours D. you

( )13. I can’t find my eraser. May I use_______?

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

( )14. Please _____that knife, or you’ll cut yourself.

A.be careful with B. be careful C. be careless of D. be careless

( )15. Don’t let me worry about you, study hard _______.

A. from then on B. just now. C.until now D.from now on ( )16. Who can ________French in our class?

A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk ( )17. There _____two books and a pen on the desk.

A. is B. are C. have D. has

( )18. He is _______his watch everywhere, but he can’t _____ it anywhere.

A. looking for ; find B. finding; looking for C. look for; finding D. find; looking for ( )19. The pet costs her two _______yuan.

A. hundreds B. hundred C. hundreds of D. hundred of ( )20. Mary doesn’t like apples. Tom doesn’t like them ______. A. too B. also C. either D. as well as

三、 根据各题后括号内的要求完成下列句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。(15分)


1. People often lose things when they are in a hurry. (对划线部分提问) _______ ________ people often ________ things?

2. There are also a lot of animals at the lost and found office. (改为同义句) There are _______ _______ strange things at the lost and found office, _______. 3. My mother buys five kilos of sausages in that shop every month. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ your mother ________ in that shop every month? 4. There are some strange things at the lost and found office. (改为否定句) There _______ _______ strange animals at the lost and found office. 5. These gloves are my father’s. (改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) — ________ ________ gloves your father’s? — ________, ______ ______. 四、完成句子 (20分)

7. 首先,让我告诉你这个消息。

______ ______ ______, let me tell you the news. 8. 买一套房子要花一大笔钱。

It takes ______ ______ ______ money to buy a house 9. 这小男孩正面带微笑地看着我。

The little boy______ ______ ______ me with a big smile. 10. 从现在开始我们要尽量做得更好。

______ ______ ______, we will ______ to do better. 11. 让我想想,哦,是我的。

______ ______ ______. Oh, they’re _______. 12. —这台电脑是Betty的吗? —不,不是她的。是Kate的。 — Is the computer _______? — No, it isn’t _______. It’s _______.

五、 补全对话(每空一词) (10分)

A: Good morning, Tony. Welcome 1 my office. Can I help you? B: Yes,sir. I lost my wallet. I can’t find it.

A: Don’t worry. Here___2_some wallets in the lost and found box. Is this brown wallet _3_? B: No, it isn’t __4___. My wallet is purple. A: It must be this one! B: Oh,yes. It’s mine. Look, ____5___ my name “Tony”! Thank you,Thank you! A: You’re ____6___.Please be __7____ ___8____ your things __9__ now


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