


1. Nancy can't come to your party because she do her homework. A. has to B. can't

C. doesn't have to

D. can

D. in D. to D. speaking D. should D. happily D. and

2. It was dark by the time we arrived the station. A. for B. to C. at 3. The teacher is very strict his students. A. with B. in C. for 4. I have to practice English every day. A. speak B. to speak

C. speaks

5. Annie's bike is broken, so she walk to school. A. have to B. has to C. need 6. His dog was lost; that made him feel . A. sad B. sadly C. happy 7. Don't eat in class don't leave your seats in class. A. or B. so C. but

8. They fought the Italians in the last war, but them in this war. A. with; with B. with; for

C. against; against

D. with; against

D. noise D. clean

9. Don't in the classroom or in the library. A. noisy B. be noisy C. is noisy 10. Daisy has to the classroom after school. A. cleans B. cleaned C. cleaning

11. I often go to bed late because I have homework to do every day. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 12. Look at the school rule. It , \ A. write B. writing C. says 13. Dave, you have to wear shoes for P.E. A. sport B. sports C. to sport 14. Don't listen to music in the classrooms the hallways. A. and B. or C. yet 15. Sorry, you play basketball in the classroom. A. can't B. don't C. don't have to

D. was D. sporting D. but D. aren't


John is an American boy. He likes 16 football matches, 17 he doesn't have enough money to buy tickets. He has to watch the matches 18 TV at home when he has 19 homework. He must go to school from Monday to Friday, so he misses a lot of important matches.

A big football match will be held in the afternoon tomorrow. 20 wants to watch it very much, but he can't. He will have a physics test(考试) in 21 afternoon. \John asks his mother 22 he goes to school. \me.\\ 23 we can't afford(买得起) one,\sighs(叹息) his mother. The next morning John comes home with a smile, 24 a new video. \asks in surprise.

\16. A. watching B. seeing C. looking at D. hearing 17. A. and 18. A. in 19. A. few

C. little

B. Father B. the different B. before B. afraid B. carries B. easy

20. A. Mother 21. A. the same 22. A. after 23. A. glad 24. A. carrying 25. A. difficult

B. so B. on

C. but C. at B. a few D. quite a little C. Teacher C. a C. because C. pleased C. carry C. difficulty

D. John D. an D. as D. frightened D. to carry D. easily D. though D. with



The Wenhua International School

You must Arrive at school by half past seven every morning. Hand in your homework by eight. Look clean and tidy. Be quiet in the library. Stay in the playground at break. Stand up when a teacher comes into the You mustn't Wear jeans. Eat or drink in the classroom. Bring MP3 to school Run or shout in the school buildings. Talk loudly in the hallways. Fight. classroom. 26. What can't you do when you are in the school buildings? A. Eat or drink. B. Run or shout.

C. Be quiet.

D. Listen to music. B. Yes, we can. D. Yes, they can.

27. Can you bring your MP3 to school? A. No, we can't.

C. No, they can't.

28. What do you have to do when your teacher comes into the classroom? A. Hand in my homework. B. Be quiet.

C. Stand up.

D. Clean the classroom. C. Yes, we can.

D. Yes, we must.

29. Can you fight in the school? A. I don't know. B. No, we can't.

30. When do you have to get to school every morning? A. By half past seven. B. By eight.

C. By half past eight.

D. By seven.


Dear Tom,

I don't have a good time at my new school. There are too many rules at my school. We have to get to school at seven o'clock every morning. We can't play games in the classroom after class. We can't listen to music in the hallways. I don't like playing the piano, but I have to learn the piano in the music class. And we have to wear uniforms at school. We also can't eat outside; we have: to eat in the dining hall. The food there is awful. I can't stand the rules here. I never have fun. What can I do?


31. What does Bob have to do at 7:00? A. Read English. B. Play games.

C. Eat breakfast.

D. Get to school.

32. \ A. I am not good at learning

B. I have a good time at my new school C. I am not a good student

D. I don't have fun at my new school

33. Which one is true according to the passage? A. We play games in the classroom after class.

B. Tom likes playing the piano.

C. Bob has to learn the piano in the music class. D. Tom thinks the food there is awful.

34. Where can Bob eat at school?

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