
1. 依靠:depend on = rely on 2. 导致:lead to = cause = result in 3. 源于:result from = stem from 4. 使用:use = apply

5. 利用:take advantage of = make use of 6. 带来:bring = provide = offer = supply

7. 努力做:make most efforts to = work hard to = strive to 8. 花时间做:spend time/money/energy/life on sth/doing sth 9. 专注于:focus on = pay attention to = concentrate to

10. 分心/打扰:distract sb from sth = disturb sb/sth = interrupt sb/sth = obsess sb with

sth distraction = diversion = disturbance

11. 起到作用:serve to do = play a role in doing = have a function to do = make a

contribution to (对……做出贡献)

12. 目的是:attempt to do = have an intention to do/of = have a purpose to do/of =

have an objective to do/of = aim at doing/sth

13. 为了:in order to do = for the purpose of doing/sth = with the view of doing/sth 14. 有利于:bring benefits to = be benefitial to = bring advantages to

15. 有害于:bring harms to = damage sth = ruin sth = undermine sth = be harmful

to/for = be detrimental to/for

16. 威胁到:endanger sb/sth = risk sb/sth = threaten sb/sth = place sb/sth into the


17. 影响:have (positive/negative) effects/influence/impacts on sth 18. 强调:stress = emphasize 19. 忽略:ignore = neglect = overlook

20. 联系:connect to/with = communicate with = contact to/with = have an access to

= associate with(和……相关)

21. 处理:deal with = cope with = handle = tackle

22. 避免/预防/远离:keep A from B = prevent A from B = A avoid B = A refrain from

B = A be away from B

23. 传递/运送:deliver = transmit = transfer = send 24. 满足要求:meet the needs = satisfy sb

25. 激励/启发:inspire = enlighten = encourage = drive

26. 提升:improve = enhance = develop = promote = upgrade = update = strengthen 27. 降低:lower = bring down = weaken 28. 转变:turn A into B = convert A into B 29. 保持:maintain = remain

30. 把A和B比较:compare A to B = 相比之下 in comparison 31. 无法做:fail to do

32. 解决:solve = deal with = cope with = handle = resolve = address = tackle 33. 给与:give = offer = render = impart = provide = supply = afford

34. 培养/建立:develop = cultivate = foster = form = shape = build up = establish 35. 优势:advantage = merit = virtue = benefit = upside = strength 36. 缺陷:disadvantage = demerit = drawback = downside = weakness 37. 缺乏:be lack of = be short of

38. 要求:request = demand = needs = requisition

39. 消除:eliminate = clear = remove = clear up = take away = smooth away 40. 优先:give the priority to A over B

41. 合作:cooperate with = collaborate with = combine with 42. 陷入/挣扎:be trapped in = be troubled in = struggle in 43. 负责:be responsible for = take the responsibility of/for 44. 确保:assure = ensure = guarantee = pledge 45. 迷上:be attracted with = be obsessed with 46. 上瘾/沉迷:be addicted in

47. 承受:support = bear = undertake = afford 48. 合适/匹配:suit = match be suitable to/for

49. 理解/掌握:understand = comprehend, master =grasp

50. 考虑到/在……层面/就……而言:in terms of = on the level of = when it comes

to = to the extent of/that

51. 事实上:practically, in practice, essentially, in essence, in reality, in effect, in fact,

as a matter of fact, it is a fact that

52. 换言之:namely, that is to say, in other words, to put it like this, to put it

differently, to put it from another way, to put it from another angle 53. 充满:be full of = be filled with

54. 使迷惑:confuse = puzzle = bewilder = perplex = baffle 55. 遭受:suffer from = undergo = meet with

56. 全力做:dedicate (time/money/life/attention/mind) to do sth = devote

(time/money/life/attention/mind) to do sth 57. 平衡:reach a balance between A and B 58. 落后:fall behind

59. 分离:isolate A from B = separate A from B 分辨:distinguish (distinct) A from


60. 保持同步:keep the pace with 61. 制约:restrict 62.

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