


There are many things you can do to improve your momory.Among them are many kinds of useful ways are well as taking special care of your health.

It is important that you make yourself excited to make your momory more active.You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits.Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑)to develop.When trying to remember something,you should pay special attention to the most important things about it .Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.

An excellent way to help momory is to connect information with pictures.Try to see the pictures in your mind.Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.

Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well.Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory.You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest.When you are asleep,your brain stores memory.Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information .And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well. In order to keep your mind on your work,you must be free from worry.Generally keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well-not just for improving your memory. Title Main 47 How to _46_Your Memory *taking special_48_of your health *making yourself excited to make your memory more active by taking _49_in some new activities and changing your daily habits. *paying attention to the most _50_things,in order to add to your chances to _51_right memories *connecting information with _52_ *taking notes and _53_diaries Other ways *eating_54_food and taking plenty of vitamins *drinking a lot of water *having _55_sleep and rest 【答案】46~~55 Improve ways care part important make pictures keeping healthy enough 2

阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填写表格 (每空限填一词)。

How do you feel when you have to make a speech in front of class? What about when you go to a birthday party? Do you get really shy?

Shyness means feeling nervous or frightened when you’re around other people. Experts (专家) have found that more than 80 percent of middle school students feel afraid to be the centre of attention. Some kids are born shy. Some become shy later because of their life experiences.

It’s OK if it takes you a while to feel yourself again when you go to a new place or meet new people. In fact, everybody gets a little shy sometimes. It’s just a case of how much.

Most people have red faces and talk in broken sentences when they get shy. But some become so shy that they won’t go to a restaurant because they are too nervous to order and pay the bill (账单). Some are afraid of meeting new people, so they seldom go outside. This kind of shyness can be bad for a person.

If shyness doesn’t stop you from doing something you want to do, being shy isn’t a very big

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problem. Some experts say shy people are quieter and cleverer because they think more and talk less. Shy people are also good at working with others because they think more for other people. Some great people in history were shy, too.

You see, being shy isn’t all bad. But remember not to let good chances pass by just because of it! If you have to sing a song at a birthday party or practise your spoken English in front of others, just do it! There’s nothing to be afraid of. Shyness Meaning Causes ●To feel 76. ▲ or frightened ●To be the 77. ▲ of attention ●To be born shy ●To have 78. ▲ experiences 79. effects Effects Good effects Advice ●To have red 80. ▲ ▲ ●To talk in 81. ▲ sentences ●To be 82. ▲ of meeting new people ●To be quieter and 83. ▲ ●To be good at 84. ▲ with others ●To take hold of (抓住) good 85. ▲ 【答案】76. nervous 77. center/centre 78. life 79. Bad 80. faces 81. broken 82. afraid 83. cleverer 84. working/cooperating 85. chances 3

In the coming summer holidays,you will probably visit the Shanghai Expo.Before you head off the Expo,please read the following tips so that you behave properly and show off China’s best face to visitors from other countries. When waiting in a line

Wait patiently instead of cutting to the front of t he line.If you have to leave your spot in line and want to come back,tell the people standing in front of and behind you.Ask them to kindly hold your spot,and thank them when you return. When touring the Expo

Don’t touch or climb on exhibits.Visitors are allowed to take pictures and videos around the Expo,but when cameras are not welcome,don’t turn yours on.If souvenits are handed out ,don’t push and scream.Be polite and wait your turn. When attending shows

If you are late,wait until the break to enter.It will disturb other audience if you walk in late.

It’s very important to leave in the middle of a musical or stage play,If an early exit is necessary,you can leave after a scene is over.

Keep quiet during a perrormance .Before the performance starts,either turn off your mobile phone or set it silent mode.Never answer your phone while a performance is going on.

After an excellent performance,clap your hands warmly,Don’t laugh at the performers when they make mistakes.

When having meals

Don’t talk loudly at meals .With many hungry visitors waiting,don’t stay t oo long at your table

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after you have finished .Polietly move on to another place. Title:Showing off China’s best face Occasions (场合) Waiting in a line Don’ts Dos ●Don’t _56_to the front of the ●Wait patiently. line. ●Thank those for holding your spot after you are _57_ Touring the Expo Don’t touch or climb on exhibits. ●Be polite and wait for your turn. Don’t use your cameras when they are _58_. Don’t push and scream for _59_souvenirs. _60_ shows Don’t walk in late. Don’t leave in the middle of a musical or stage play. Never answer your phone_61_a performance. Don’t laugh at the performers’_62_ Enter during the _63_,if you are late. Wait until a scene is over ,if you make an early exit. Turn off your mobile phone or set it to silent mode. Clap your hands _64_. Having meals Don’t talk loudly at meals. ●Politely move on to another place. Don’t stay too long at your table after meals. Purpose:To remind people to behave properly before _65_visitors at the Expo. 【答案】56.cut 57.back 58.unwelcome 59.getting 60.attending 61.during 62.mistakes 63.break 64.warmly 65.foreign 首字母填词

One day Harvey’s wife was cleaning out a cupboard.

“Look at all these umbrellas,” Harvey’s wife said to him. “There are eight and they all b__(76)___.”

“I’ll take them all to the umbrella shop and have them repaired,” Harvey said. “They are too good to t__(77)__ away.”

Harvey took the eight umbrellas to the shop and l__(78)__ them there. The shopkeeper said, “They’ll be r__(79)__ tomorrow.”

That evening Harvey went home from the office by bus as he u__(80)__ did. He sat next to an old woman. She had an umbrella on the floor between the s__(81)__. When the bus reached his stop, he picked up her umbrella and stood up.

“Hey!” the woman said, “That umbrella b__(82)__ to me.”

“I’m so sorry.” Harvey said, giving it to her. “Please excuse me for taking your umbrella by m__(83)__.”

The next day he collected the umbrellas from the umbrella shop and got on the bus. As he sat down, a v__(84)__ behind said, “You have certainly had a s__(85)__ day!” He turned around and saw the woman whose umbrella he had almost taken the day before.

【答案】76. broken 77. throw 78. left 79. ready 80. usually 81. seats 82. belongs 83. mistake 84. voice 85. successful

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从下面方框中选择适当的选项填入短文中,使短文通顺、完整。选项中有两个选项是多余选项。 A.leaves B.Then C.large D.learned E.ones F.grow G:thick H:flowers I.means J:took K:easy L:our Everybody loves oranges.They are sweet and juicy.They’re in sections(分瓣),so it is 61_________to eat them.Some oranges do not have any seeds .Some have a 62________skin(果皮),and some have a thin skin.

The orange tree is beautiful .It has a lot of shiny green 63________.The small white flowers smell very sweet.An orange tree has 64______and fruit at the same time.

There were orange trees twenty millions years ago.The oranges were very small,not like the 65_______today.The orange trees probably came from China.Many different kinds of wild oranges 66_________in China today.The Chinese started to raise orange trees about 4,400 years ago.

Farmers in other parts of Asia and the Middle East 67 ________to raise oranges from the Chinese 68_________they taught Europeans .The Spanish planted orange trees in the New World(North and South America).They 69__________them to Florida first .Oranges are a very important crop to Florida today.

In English ,orange 70._________both a fruit and a color.We use the name of the fruit for the color. 【答案】KGAHE FDBJI


Now cities are full of cars.Some families even have two or three cars.Parking is a great problem.Something will have to be done to change it.What will the cars of tomorrow be like?Little cars may some day take the place of today’s big cars.If everyone drives little cars in the future there will be less pollution in the air.There will also be more space for parking cars in cities,and the streets will be less crowded .Three little cars can fit(适合)in the space now needed for one car of the usual size.The little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.Driving will be safe,too.What is more,these little cars can go about 65 kilometers per hour(每小时).Little cars of the future will be fine for going around a city,but they will not be useful for long trips.If big cars are still used along with the little ones,two sets of roads will be needed in the future.Some roads will be used for the fast big cars ,and other roads will be needed for the slow little ones. 根据短文内容填空,每空一词。

96.In cities ,________________is a big problem for those people who have cars. 97.In the _______________,little cars will cost much less to own and to drive.

98.A little car’s size of tomorrow may be ____________third of today’s one car’s usual size. 99.If people drive little cars _______________of the big ones,there will be less air pollution. 100.Two sets of roads will be built for the fast big cars and the __________little ones. 【答案】96.traffic 97.future 98.one 99.instead 100.slow


When we watch a football match or see a film, we often see people ?put ?out their fingers to form(形成)a \?what it means and how it gets the meaning. Here is a

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story to answer the question.

During the Second World War(战争),there was a Belgian(比利时)young people. He called himself Victor. He ran to England and worked for a radio station in London. He spoke to his country in his programmes every day in a hope that it could help his people win the war. One day at the end of 1940, he asked his people to write the letter \victory(胜利).

During that night, the letter \encouraged(鼓舞)hundreds of thousands of people in this country. 76.The story happened nearly ____ years ago.

77.The young man was not a _____,but he tried his best to fight for his country. 78.He hoped that his ____could help his people win the war. 79.The people wrote the letter \80.From the story we know that the letter \

【答案】76.sixty 77.soldier 78.speech 79.everywhere 80.victory

请认真阅读下面短文,在短文后表格中的空白处填入适当的单词(注意:每空1个单词)。 Future and Today

It is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. But do you know what future really is ? I have to say that future is now. That is to say we must treasure every minute now. If we want to have a bright future, we should know how important time is and use it well.

There is an old English saying: “Gain time, gain life.” Then what’s time? Time is something that we can’t see or touch, but we can feel it passing by. Time is always with us. When we are at table, time passes; when we play, time goes by unnoticeable. We always say “Time is money”, but time is even more precious(珍贵的)than money, because when money is spent , we can earn it back. But if time is gone away, it will never return. So, some of us even say time is priceless(无价的). We should always remember: future is now. For us students, we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own. We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today.We should do everything before us as well as possible. And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow.

As we all know , “Time and tide wait for no man.” If you waste today, you will regret tomorrow. So from now on, work hard. Tomorrow will be better, and your future will be brighter .Remember: “No pains, no gains.” Today’s hard work is the cause of tomorrow’s harvest. Title: Future and Today Opinions Future is now. Supporting details Everyone has his own dream as well as his own future. If we want to have a bright future, we should know the (72) of time and make every minute(73) . Time is money, but time is even more valuable than money, because (74) is when money is spent , we can earn it back. But (75) time will priceless. return no more. Be masters of today Today’s hard work (76) to tomorrow’s harvest. As students, we should never put off what can be done today till tomorrow and we should try our (77) 第 5 页 共 7 页

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