
Unit 8 We shouldn’t waste water

Teaching Goals:

1. Learn new words. (shouldn’t, should,waste,enough,world ,save,drop,fresh.)

2. Learn the text.(keep the rivers clean,keep the air clean and fresh,plant more trees,use bikes instead of cars.waste water ,keep the water running ,litter,kill the wild animals.)

3. Master the sentence pattern “We shouldn’t ……”

Teaching Point:

Master the sentence pattern “We shouldn’t ……”

Teaching Preparations:

Tape and pictures

Teaching Process:

1. Warming Up

(1) Greetings

(2) Review

2. Presentation and Drills

(1) Learn new words


should shouldn’t= should not waste

enough save drop fresh

(2) Learn Part A

Let’s Listen and Say

Read the text.

What are you doing?

I’m washing my blouse. blouse

We shouldn’t waste water.

Why? You need water.

Everyone needs water.

(3) Learn Part B

Let’s Learn

keep the rivers clean keep the air clean and fresh

plant more trees use bikes instead of cars

shouldn’t kill wild animals

shouldn’t waste water shouldn’t litter

(4) Learn Part C


Let’s Practise

We should plant more trees.

We shouldn’t waste water.

We shouldn’t kill wild animals.



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