
Unit1Where did you go on vacation? 教案

Section A 1a-2d P1-2

Teaching and learning Goals: 一、功能:Talk about past events

二、词汇和常用表达Learn to use “someone, anyone, anywhere, something, wonderful, most and so on.” 三、文化知识:know something about places of interest, for example : Huangguoshu Waterfall, Central Park

Teaching and learning steps: Step I. Pre-listening activities 1. Preview

Ask the Ss to translate the following Chinese into English. First ask the Ss to put them into English orally, then let them write English down without looking at the textbooks.

1).去度假________________ 2).去纽约 _______________ 3).去爬山 ________________ 4).去海滩_________________ 5).参观博物馆_____________ 6).拍很多照片______________ 7).买特殊的东西____________ 8).去夏令营_________________

Ask the Ss to translate the following sentences. (1)--你去哪里度假了?


__________________________________________________________________________ (2)你的假期怎么样?相当不错!

【设计意图】本部分词组和句子为学生的预习作业,词组和句子都是本节课的重要语言知识,该部分预习内容可以帮助学生更有目的性的预习。同时通过检测学生的预习效果,教师可以更有针对性地教,学生可以更有针对性的学。 2.Warming up and leading in

T: Hello, boys and girls!Welcome back to school! I’m your new English teacher. Did you have a good vacation? On my vacation. I went to Beijing with

of interest, such as Tian’anmen Square


Peking University and the Great

WallThe weather was very sunny and

hot. We took quite a few photos. I bought something special for my parents. It was very wonderful. Can you tell me about your vacation? 3.Presentation

1)T: Did you go out with your parents?(write it on the blackboard) S1:Yes/No.

T: Where did you go on vacation? (write it on the blackboard)

S2:I went to Qingdao S3:I just stayed at home. S4:I visited a museum. S5:…

T: How was the vacation? (write it on the blackboard)

S: It was wonderful/boring/exciting/…

2).T: I’m glad to know you had a happy vacation. Many people are talking about their vacation. Let’s see where they went and what they did. Look at 1a and match the activities with the pictures[a-g].

my friends.

We visited many places


1b Listeningeca

dgf1.stayed at home_______

2.went to New York City ____ 3.visited my uncle_______ b1.Tina 2. Xiang Hua3.Sally 4. Bob 5. Tom 4.went to summer camp _____ 5.went to the mountains_______ (2) listen again and fill in the blanks like this: 6.went to the beach_____ Name 7.visited museums______ Activities 【设计意图】老师结合照片带着感情向学生介绍自 1. Tina 己的假期生活,激发学生学习的兴趣,激活他们头

2. Xiang Hua 脑中假期活动的相关知识,通过师生对话,自然引

3. Sally 出本节课的三个重点句型:Did you…?Where did you go on vacation? How was…? 并以此引导学生

观察教材的主题图,按要求完成活动。 Step II. While-listening activities 1. Listen and find the general idea.

The general idea of the conversation is about__________________________________________

A .summer vacation B. some places of interest

C. some students’ summer vacation activities

2. Listen to the conversation more carefully and find the specific ideas

1)Listen and number the people in the picture.

4. Bob 5. Tom Talk with in groups and check their answers in pairs. 【设计意图】听力的教学依据创设情景引入教学,第一遍听文章大意,第二遍听学生的名字,第三遍听相应的活动,层层递进,由易到难,训练到位。 Step III. Post-listening activities

Where did they go on vacation?Name1. Tina2. Xiang Hua3. Sally4. Bob5. TomActivitieswent to the mountainswent to New York Citystayedat homevisited his unclewent to summer camp

1.Look at the blanks, ask and answer like this: A: Where did Tina go on vacation? B: She went to the mountains.

A: Where did Xiang Hua go on vacation? B: He went to…


A: What about Sally? B:…

2. Look at the blanks and report like this:

Many people had a good vacation. Tina went to… Xiang Hua went to… Sally stayed … Bob visited… and Tom went to… 3.Finish the conversations . Conversation 1

Xiang Hua: Hey, Tina. Where did you go ____ _____?

Tina: I ____ ______ ______ _____with my family. Xiang Hua: Did everyone have a good time?

Tina: Oh, yes. Everything was ______. Where did you go, Xiang Hua?

Xiang Hua: I____ _____ ______ ______ _______. Conversation 2

Girl: Where did you go on vacation, Sally? Sally: Nothing. I just_____ ______ _____ .

Girl: And where did you do _____ _________, Bob?

Bob: I_____ ______ _________.We went fishing, but we didn’t get any fish. Conversation 3

Boy:Did you go __________on vacation, Tom? Tom: I_____ ______ _______ ________. Boy 1: Did you go______ ________?

Tom:Yes.I went with my friends. Everyone______ _______ ________ __________.

【设计意图】听后的任务设计了三个:1看表格做对话,让学生对听力内容有更清晰的了解2看表格,完成口头作文,听力再设计,培养学生的口头表达能力3.不看原文,完成对话,当堂内容,当堂掌握。 Step IV. Pre-listening activities warming up and leading in

R: How was your summer vacation ? S: It was…

R: Did you go anywhere interesting/beautiful…? S: Yes, I did. /No, I didn’t.

R: Where did you go on vacation? S:I went to…

R: Did you do anything special/great…? S: Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

Practice the dialogue in groups

【设计意图】这是一个舜耕记者的采访活动。一方面巩固前面所学内容,另一方面为下面的2a,2b部分做好铺垫,更重要的是活跃课堂气氛,提升学生语言运用和表达能力。同时在此过程中讲授anything, anywhere,复合代词和副词。) Step V. While-listening activities

1.T: Let’s interview another three students. They are Grace, Kevin and Julie.

Please listen for the general idea of 2a.

The general idea of the conversation is about_____ A. three students. B. three students’ hobbies C. three students’ vacation activities 2.Listen for the specific ideas of 2a.

1).Where did Grace, Kevin, and Julie go on vacation? Match the person with the place. People 1. Grace 2.Kevin 3.Julie Places

Look at the picture. Imagine that you are a reporter from Shungeng TV and you want to interview some students about their vacation.


2).Listen again. For each question check (√)“Yes, I did.” or “ No, I didn’t.” as you hear them talk.

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