
Unit 6 More fun at“Word Factory” 单元要点



(2)巩固元音字母的开、闭音节的读音及辨认; (3)学习字母组合or在单词中发


(4)能较熟练地拼写一些有规律的单词。 2.单元重点词汇 3.交际用语

(1)How happy I am! I’ve got a name. 多高兴啊!我有一个名字啦! (2)Which is my name? 哪一个是我的名字? Just a minute. It’s ready. 稍等一会,准备好了! (3)We sound the same. 我们听起来发一样的音。 (4)Can we be friends? 我们能成为朋友吗?

(5)This way, please. Meet your new friend. 请走这边,会会你的新朋友。

Period 1—Period 2 1.复习

(1)Words and expressions: (2)Sentences:

Please look carefully and write their names in the boxes. 请仔细观察,把它们的名字写在盒子里。 I can write“T”. 我能写“T”。

You want it. You say it and then you get it. 你要它,你说它然后你就能得到它。 Aa is for an apple. Aa代表一个苹果。 (3)Pronunciation: 字母组合ir在重读音节中发身放平,舌中部微微抬起。


①Words and expressions: ②

Bee:How happy I am! I’ve got a name. 多高兴啊!我有一个名字啦! Plane:Which is my name?



哪一个是我的名字? Bird:Just a minute. It’s ready. 稍等一会,准备好了! Worker:Oh, another bad name. 噢!又一个错误名! ③Same family word. This way, please. 同一家庭单词,请往这边走。

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