



Module 1 Unit 1 基础练习



3.黄昏时街灯亮了起来。 4.我能打开窗帘吗? 5.雷电似乎已经停了。

6. 安迪在尘土飞扬的马路上骑着自行车。

7. 和你的同伴说说你的焦虑。 8. 吉尔西班牙语说得好,也许她能给我们一些提示。

9. 我们继续这个问题的下一项。 三、1-5 HEBDC 6-9 AFIG

四、1. entirely2. exactly3. pack4. concerned5. suffering 6. upset


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7. power 8. ignore 9. German 10. calm

五、1. have got to 2. calm your friend down 3. are concerned about 4. set down 5. a series of 6. on purpose 7. in order to 8. walking the dog 9. face to face

六、1. Add up these numbers for me, please.

2. I’ve got to go to a meeting.

3. You really don’t know what we went through.

4. We’re all concerned about her safety.

5. I’m tired of watching TV, let’s go for a walk.

6. I’ve fallen in love with Mary. 7. It was far more expensive than I expected.

8. He knows how to get along with people

9. Don’t worry. My brother will pack everything up.


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10. He looked at them, without joining in their conversation.

七、1-5 CCDAC 6-10 AAABD 11-12 CD

拓展训练 一、ABD

二、1-5 DDBAC

三、1-5 ACBDA 6-10 CADAB 11-15 BCDBD 四、 1.

2. Ideas:

1) go to talk to people standing alone 2) join in a discussion

3) you talk about likes and dislikes Reasons:

1) He or she may be lonely too 2) let people know you are friendly 3) find people with the same interests


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