
基于PLC风机偏航系统解缆控制 I

摘 要



基于PLC风机偏航系统解缆控制 II


Wind power as the fastest growing renewable energy and clean energy, which has a clean, pollution-free, safe, abundant features, has gotten great attention by the countries in the world. Wind power is the most large-scale development and commercial prospects for development of renewable energy. At present, Chinese wind power market led the Chinese manufacturing industry explosion development. However, wind power overspeed developing may cause a lot of hidden dangers. Because of equipment failure waste human resources to maintain a large number of hidden dangers should arouse our attention. This article is based on the model of wind power untwist system as the research object. Adopt PLC controller to untwist, According the limit switch signals to determine the untwist direction. Start the corresponding compiler to solve the problems as existing wind turbine twist and Yaw time too much.

Key words: wind power, PLC, yaw motor, untwist

基于PLC风机偏航系统解缆控制 III

目 录

1 绪论 ......................................................... 1

1.1 风力发电的介绍 .................................................... 1

1.2 风力发电的发展历史、现状及趋势 .................................... 1 1.3 毕业论文的工作及结构 .............................................. 7

2 风力发电机原理及解缆原理 ..................................... 8

2.1 风力机的种类 ...................................................... 8 2.2 风力发电机的基本原理 .............................................. 8 2.3 风力发电机结构 .................................................... 9 2.4 风力发电机解缆控制系统的介绍及工作原理 ........................... 11

3 风机解缆系统硬件结构设计 .................................... 12

3.1 解缆系统硬件结构 ................................................. 12

3.2 解缆系统硬件的选型 ............................................... 12 3.3 电气原理图 ....................................................... 19

4 解缆系统设计 ................................................ 21

4.1 解缆系统的控制方法设计 ........................................... 21 4.2 解缆系统程序流程图 ............................................... 21 4.3 解缆系统硬件参数设计 ............................................. 22 4.4 PLC程序设计 ...................................................... 28

5 结 论 ...................................................... 31 参考文献 ...................................................... 32 附录1 ........................................................ 33 附录2 ........................................................ 39 致 谢 ........................................................ 40

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