

(全卷共九个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)


1.全卷分为第1程卷和第II卷,请把第I卷的答案用2B铅笔涂在答题卡上。把第II卷的答案用 黑色或蓝色中性笔书写在答题卷上。






1.A.In two weks B. For about two years. C, Three years ago.

2. A. I've been to Japan B. I got the first prize C.I failed in the test 3.A .Thank you B. Not at all C. Never mind

4 A. She is thin B. she is a doctor C. She is friendly 5.A.OK, I will B. Of course, not D.Well done

6.A. She is cooking B. I am sleeping. D.I was sleeping 第二节(每小题1.5分,共9分)


7.A. Yellow. B.Black C.Green

8.A. Every day. B. Never C.Twice a week.

9.A. he's tall with glasses B.he's short with glasses C. he's tall with brown hair 10.A.In the library B. At home. C. In the teachers 'oftice 11. A. Sunny B.Rainy. C.Snowy. 12A.English B Japanese C.French 第三节(每小题1.5分,共6分)



13.Why won't the woman go to school tomorrow? A.Because it'll be Saturday B.Because it'll be Sunday.

C.Because it'li be New year's Day.

14. What does the man advise the woman to do tomorrow?

A .To go shopping B. To go to the cinema C. To go fishing 听下面一段材料,回答15和16小题 I5. When did the woman meet Kevin?

A.Last Wednesday B. Last Friday C, Last week 16. What was Kevin actually doing at that time?

A. Talking to the woman B.Talking on the phone C.Playing with his phone 第四节(每小题1.5分,共6分)


17. Jack was years old

A.8 B.9 C.19 18. jack's father A. was a teacher

B.could read few words in the books

C, lived in a poor family when he was young 19. Jack's worst subject was

A.math B English C.Chinese 20.Jack smiled in silence because

A. he did better this time B. he really felt happy C. his father mistook “the total\ Ⅱ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)

21. Recently, Chongqing has become a very hot city through an app called \ A, an B.a C. the D./ 22. –-Hi, David, Who are the people in this photo?

--The girl is Lily and the boy beside is a friend of A. herself B.hers C. her D. she

23. --Don't lose !If you keep trying, you are sure to make it. --Thanks for encouraging me.

A. fear B. heart C.face B. way 24.--Where was Tim going such a hurry? -- To the hospital to take care of his son

A. to B. at C, for D. in

25. What a pity! I have lost the ticket to the concert. I Have to buy one. A.two B. second C.a second D. the second 26. -May I borrow your pen, Linda? Mine s out of ink. -Somy, I it.

A.am using B.used C.was using D. have used

27. Without any nursing knowledge, you'd better a person who gets hurt in an accident. A. move B, to move C, not to move D. not move

28. After having a long talk with my parents about my problems, I feel better today. A. very B. quite C.more D.much

29. -Do you know how man students are still doing homework in the classroom? -- .All of them have gone back home.

A.Nobody B. No one C. None D. All

30. It's a good habit for students to finish and their homework on time every day. A. fill in B. hand in C. hand out D. take out

31. Keep working hard you can succeed in the coming test in June,

A. as long as B. even though C. as soon as D. so that

32. The workers were made for 12 hours a day to finish the difficult task tast month. A. work B.to work C.working D.worked 33. -- Could I hang out with my friends this afternoon, mom? -- .But you have to finish your homework first.

A. Yes, you could B. Yes, you can C. No you can't D No,you couldn't 34 .Of all the subjects we study at school, I think English is

A. interesting B.more interesting C.the more interesting D. the most interesting 35. l'm not sure

A .that he will come to my party tomorow B when will the plane take off C. when our graduation party will be held D.how he will do with this problem Ⅲ完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)

Have you eaten a banana recently? Do you know although the banana looks very common,it is such a wonderful fruit? First, its three colors tell you 36 ripe成熟的)it is. Green means\“.Brown means\please! I will 38 bad very soon\a banana is a silent food. You won't wory about 39 your neighbors crazy with terrible noise you make when chewing(咀嚼)it.And it’s also 40 to eat, When you eat it, you don’t have to worry about juice falling out and making your hands dirty.

More importantly, the banma is known 41 \kind ofammno acids(氨基酸) Such amino acids can help the body produce\荷尔蒙)”. which helps lower people's stress and cheer them up. Besides, a banana always enjoys rich vitamins but very low calorie (卡路里 ).So for fat girls, the banana is a very good choice 42 they want to lose weight.

Now, I'm sure you can't wait any longer to try such a good fruit. In fact, there are many ways to eat it Read the following and you’ll find 43 easy to make different banana foods. You can fry it, bake it, or without cooking, just eat it 44.At lunehtime, you can snack on a banana, or make a vegetable and banana sandwich. Moreover, you can add a banana to your ice cream. If you don't want to make it yourself, just to order a healthy banana milkshake at your local drink store is also a good idea. So why don’t you 45 such a wonderful banana right now!

36.A.what B how C. why D, where 37.A. Greet B. Blue C, White D, Yellow 38.A.stay B.grow C.go D.sound

39.A.letting B.helping C.taking D.driving 40.A.easy B.clear C. clean D.dirty 41.A.to B.for C.as D.from 42.A.if B.unless C. until D. after 43.A.its B. it C. they D.them 44.A.directly B. quickly C.hardly D. finally 45.A. enjoying B.to enjoy C.enjoyed D.enjoy IV.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)


A WMBD Event--Year of the Bird The Chequamegon Bird Club will hold a World Migratory Bird(候鸟)Day celebration this year for migratory bird fans. thThe event will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2018. The event is prepared for all ages,with activities such as moming bird watching, wildflower walks, nature games and feeding oriole(金莺).A show with a live vulture(秃鹫),hawk(老鹰) and owl(猫头鹰) will also be held before lunch. In he afiemoon, visitors will have a bus tour around Chequamegon Lake.You can enjoy all the activities and food for free.

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