Our country has a population of l,200 million people.我国有十二亿人口。 There are three thousand students in the university.这所大学有三千学生。 Rice has been cultivated in the East for thousands of years.水稻在东方已经种植了几千年。
Maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world.玉米是全世界千百万人最主要的粮食。
She is just fourteen.她刚十四岁。
He was already forty when he began to learn English他开始学英语时已经四十岁了。
1-99的基本的序数词 序数词 缩写式 汉译 first [fE:st] lst 第一
second [5sekEnd] 2nd 第 二 third [We:d] 3rd 第三 fouth [fC:W] 4th 第四 fifth[fifW] 5th 第五 sixth[siksW] 6th 第六 seventh[5sevenW] 7th 第七
eighth[eitW] 8th 第八 ninth[nainW] 9th 第九 tenth[tenW] 10th 第十 eleventh 11th 第十一 twelfth[twelfW] 12th 第十二 thirteenth 13th 第十三 nineteenth 19th 第十九
twentieth [5twentiiW] 20th 第二十 fortieth 40th 第四十 fifty-first 51st 第五十一 sixty-second 62nd 第六十二 eighty-third 83rd 第八十三 ninety-fourth 94th 第九十四 说明:
1)英语序数词1-19除第一(first),第二(second),第三(third)有特殊形式外,其余均由基数词后加-th [W]构成。
2)有几个序数词加 -th 时拼法不规则,它们是:fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth。 3)十位整数的序数词的构成方法是:先将十位整数基数词的词尾 -ty 中的y变成i,然后加-eth [iW]。
序数词在句中可用作下列各个句子成分: 1)主语
The first is better than the second.第一个比第二个要好。 2)宾语
He was among the first to arrive.他是首批到达的。 3)定语
China exploded its first atom bomb in October 1964.中国于1964年10月爆炸了第一颗原子弹。
His father died in the Second World War.他父亲在第二次世界大战中死去。 4)表语
Jack is always the first to get to the office in the morning.杰克每天早晨总是第一个到办公室。
[注]序数词前面常用定冠词the。 分数和小数的读法