
2018 ----2019学年上学期教学质量抽测





1.__________ 2.______________ 3. ___________ 4.____________ 5.____________ B.听句子,选择最佳的应答语。(每小题读两遍)

( )6.A.She’s fine. B.She’s thirteen.C.She’s Nancy.

( )7.A.That's hers. B.They’re mine.C.It's Kangkang's. ( )8.A.Thank you! B.Good idea!C.You're welcome.

( )9.A.He’s a student. B.She’s a nurse.C.They’re teachers. ( )l0.A.Not at all. B .They ale too long.C.Yes,I think so. C.听对话,选择最佳答案回答问题。(对话读两遍) ( )11.What’s the boy’s name?

A.Bob. B.Bill.C.Bruce. ( )12.What color is the coat?

A.Green. B.Gray.C.Brown. ( )13.How much is the skirt?

A.153 yuan. B.115 yuan.C.156 yuan. ( )14.What does the man want to have?

A.Some fish. B.Some rice.C.Some chicken. ( )15.Where are they?

A.In a shop.B.In a restaurant. C.At the girl’s home D.根据所听到的短文内容,填写表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)

Li Hong’s family people Li Hong Job student looks long hair and 18.______ tall and strong a little heavy clothes blue 19.______and a white T-shirt a 20.______ dress a black jacket Ⅱ.选择填

Li Hong’s father 16._________ Li Hong’s mother Li Wei office worker 17._________ 空(每小题1分,计15分)


()21.__________man on the sofa is my uncle. A.AB.An C. The

( )22.The girl ________green is my friend,Cindy. A.inB.on C. at


( )23.----Do you have a long ruler? 一No.I don’t.I have a short_______ . A.it B.one C.ones

( )24.Look at his________ . They’re big. A.feetB.hand C.hair

( )25.一Are those books yours? ----No.Mine________here. A.amB.is C.are

( )26.一Is the letter from Jack? 一Yes,it's from________ .

A.he B.his C. him

( )27.一_________do you like my new car? 一It’s very nice.

A.How B.Where C.What ( )28.一What’s five and eleven? 一It’s ____________ .

A.twentyB.seventeen C.sixteen

( )29.一Are you __________this Sunday? 一I’m sorry.I have no time. A.free B.niceC.happy

( )30.The skirt fits(适合)me well .I'll_______it . A.play B.takeC.work

( )31.一What_________his parents_______ ? —They are Chinese teachers.

A.do,does B.does,do C.do,do ( )32.---That shirt is cool.Can I _________ ? 一Sure.

A.try onB.try it on C.try them on ( )33.一_________is the chicken? 一It’s two kilos.

A.How many B.How much C.How heavy

(34、35题: 从下面三个选项中,找出划线部分与其他两个读音不同的选项。) ( )34.A.but B.blue C.much ( )35.A.thank B.the C.their Ⅲ.阅读理解(每小题1.5分。计15分)


A This is me.My name is Peter.I am 10.I am in Shanghai now.I like red and yellow.I don’t like black.My telephone number is 13782276548 This is Harry.He is my aunt's son.He is 9.He is in Dalian now.He likes green and brown.He doesn’t like yellow.His telephone number is 73526621 This is my good friend.Her name is Sally.She is 11.She is in Beijing now. She likes pink and green.She doesn't like black.Her telephone number is 84472711 2

Here is a picture ofmy cat.Its name is Kitty.Kitty is my friend,too.It's white and brown.It's very nice.I like it very much . ( )36.__________1ike green.

A.Peter and HarryB.Kitty and Harry C.Peter and SallyD.Harry and Sally ( )37.Sally is Peter's__________

A.sisterB.brother C.friendD.teacher ( )38.Kitty is the name of__________ A.a cat B.a dog C.a boyD.a girl

( )39.______telephone number is 7352-6621.

A.Peter's B.Harry’s C.Sally’s D.Kitty’s ( )40.We know ____________ .

A.Peter is in Beijing B.Sally is 10 years old C.Harry is Peter's cousin D.Peter doesn’t like Kitty


Mr.Smith teaches English in a high school He has twodaughters. They aye twin(双胞胎)sisters.Mr.Smith calls themLily and Lucy. Jim and Alex are Mr.Smith’s students.They often go to see the twins and play with them at home.They often buy something for Lily and Lucy.One Sunday,they go to Mr.Smith’s home.When the twins see Jim and Alex,they are happy.Jim asks Lucy,“How old are you, Lucy?”“Three。”she answers(回答).

Alex says,“Lily and Lucy,these are bananas.Would you like them.'?Well,I have a smallquestion(问题).If one ofyou can answer well,I will give her one.”“I have two bananas,now I eat one.How many bananas do I have ,then?” “One.’’Lily says.

Lucy answers,“Two.’’ “Two?”Jim says,“Why?”

“Oh,one is inside(在里面)and the other is outside(在外面).” ( )41.What does Mr.Smith do? ‘

A.A student. B.A teacher. C.A worker D.An actor. 、 ( )42.How old is Lily?

A.One. B.Two. C.Three.D.Four. ( )43.Who are Jim and Alex.'?

A.Mr.Smith’s students. B.Mr.Smith’s sons .

C.The twins’brothers. D.The twins’elassmate8. ( )44.What do Jim and Alex buy for the twins?

A.Oranges. B.Pears. C.Apples.D.Bananas.

( )45.what do you think of Lucy according to the passage(根据文章)?

A.She’s old. B.She’s cute. C.She’s strong.D.She’s coo1. Ⅳ.交际应用:(10分)

A.从方框中选择最佳句子补全对话,其中有一项是多余的。(每空1分,计5分) Amy:Hello!

A. Who’s that ? Ben:Hello,Amy ! 46._____________

B. What’s up ? 3 C. This is Ben . D. I’ll call her . E. How about going with us ?

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