
The celebration of western festivals

Assisted by globalization, western festivals have landed on China like

flood, sweeping away Chinese people's passion to domestic festivals. It's no doubt that a majority of people in China now enjoy celebrating western festivals instead while having little interest in celebrating our traditional festivals. So, how does the situation happen?

To figure out the reason, we have to analyze the psychology of Chinese in celebrating western festivals. Conspicuously, western festivals, compared with Chinese traditional festivals, are more casual and have less limitation on behaviors. Feeling more relaxed and less stressed, they naturally prefer western festivals. Besides, what impresses those people is the experience which is totally different from the education we have ever received since childhood. The new joy really attracted a lot of people. As for the influence of the situation, I think the harm it does is more than the advantages it brings. For one thing, celebrating western festivals can contribute to our knowledge about foreign culture and the culture communication of the countries. For another thing, people become ignorant of our traditional culture, which may die out if not protected well. What's worse, many people are not clear about the western festivals and they just create a mess. All in all, I think the situation has more cons than the pros.

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