[填空题]10. Like the Japanese, the Chinese also prefer written ______ that would
appear too general to American or French negotiators.
参考答案:10. agreements
[填空题]9. The differences in feminine and masculine styles of
communication frequently lead to in cross-gender interaction. 参考答案:9. gender
[填空题]8. Edward Hall alerts us to the invisible aspects of culture and nonverbal communication, which he calls as \ language” and \dimension”. 参考答案:8. silent
[填空题]7. People from cultures schedule several activities at the same time, and time for them is more flexible and more human-centered. 参考答案:7. P-time
[填空题]6. communication expresses meaning or feeling without words.
参考答案:6. Nonverbal
[填空题]5. Beauty is only _____ deep. 参考答案:5. skin
[填空题]4. Understanding and appreciation of differences among cultures in cognitive processing and problem solving is a major step toward successful ______ communication.
参考答案:4. intercultural
[填空题]3. There is nothing more embarrassing than one's compliments hurting others _____ to different cultural values.
参考答案:3. due
[填空题]2. The purpose of the greeting is to ______ social contact, not to transfer
参考答案:4. establish
[填空题]1. In daily verbal communication, there are many _____ ways one must observe in order to maintain smooth cross-cultural interaction. 参考答案:1. routine
[判断题]10. High uncertainty and anxiety hinder effective intercultural communication to a different extent.
[判断题]9. The Eastern view of the universe is characteristically dualistic, materialistic,
and lifeless while the Western view is profoundly holistic, dynamic, and spiritual.
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[判断题]8. Due to the cultural differences, interpreting in intercultural encounters is
possible but difficult.
[判断题]7. Cultural differences can generate positive impacts on negotiation as people can
learn from each other.
参考答案:错误 [判断题]
6. A lady might be feminine, masculine or a combination of both.
参考答案:正确 [判断题]
1) 5. Environment is one of the five study areas that nonverbal communication covers.
[判断题]4. \龙” to the Chinese. 参考答案:错误 [判断题]
3. Sometimes the Chinese way of showing modesty must be considered as fishing for compliments.
参考答案:正确 [判断题]
2. All cultures require and value politeness, but the ways in which politeness is ` achieved may vary significantly.
参考答案:正确 [判断题]
1. All people of the same nationality will have the same culture.
参考答案:错误 第2批 [论述题]
Define the following terms:
1. Nonverbal communication 2. Body language/Kinesics 3. world view
4. the Judeo-Christian tradition
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5. knowledge 6. stereotype
1. Nonverbal communication is the process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the exchange and interpretation of messages within a given situation or context.
2. Body language refers to the meaning representing devices as facial expressions and eye behaviors, gestures, and postures.
3. A comprehensive world view (or worldview) is the fundamental
cognitive orientation of an individual or society encompassing natural philosophy; fundamental existential and normative postulates; or themes, values, emotions, and ethics
4. Judeo?Christian (sometimes written as Judaeo?Christian) refers to a set of beliefs and ethics held in common by Judaism and Christianity. It is a common term in American cultural and political rhetoric. 5. Knowledge is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as (i) expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject; (ii) what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information; or (iii)
awareness or familiarity gained by experience of a fact or situation. 6. A stereotype or \specific social groups or types of individuals. The concepts of \and \are often confused with many other different meanings. Stereotypes are standardized and simplified conceptions of groups based on some prior assumptions.
第3批 [论述题]
Define the following terms.
1. nonverbal communication 2. culture shock 3. gender
4. stereotype 5. body language
Nonverbal communication is the process by which nonverbal behaviors are used, either singly or in combination with verbal behaviors, in the
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