The revised definition makes no sharp distinction between bulk and solution polymerizations and thus reflects industrial practice. Several so-called bulk processes for polystyrene and ABS? use 5%~15% solvent as a processing aid and chain-transfer agent. 在修正定义中本体和溶液聚合没有明确的界限,所以能应用于工业中。聚苯乙烯和ABS的本体过程使用5%~15%溶剂作为加工助剂和链转移剂。
Few successful processes have used the very large amounts of solvent needed to avoid high viscosities in the continuous phase, although this approach is sometimes used for laboratory preparations.
Bulk polymerizations often exhibit a second, discontinuous phase. They frequently exhibit high exothermicity, but this is more characteristic of the reaction mechanism than of bulk polymerization as such.
Bulk polymerizations of the free-radical variety are most common, although several commercially important condensation processes satisfy the revised definition of a bulk polymerization.
In all bulk polymerizations, highly viscous polymer solutions and melts are handled. This fact tends to govern the process design and to a lesser extent,the process economics. 在所有的本体聚合中都处理高粘度的聚合物溶液和熔体。(本体聚合过程的高粘现象)支配聚合过程的设计和工艺的经济效益。
Suitably robust equipment has been developed for the various processing steps, including stirred-tank and tubular reactors, flash devolatilizers, extruder reactors, and extruder devolatilizers.
Equipment costs are high based on working volume, but the volumetric efficiency of bulk polymerizations is also high. If a polymer can be made in bulk, manufacturing economics will