

专 业:电气工程及其自动化

本 科 生:井鹏飞 (签名) 指导老师:李忠 (签名)

摘 要






Subject:The Research Of 10kv Overhead Line Lighting Protection Technology In Coal Mine

Specialty:Electric Engineering and Automation

Name: Jing Pengfei (Signature) Instructor: Li Zhong (Signature)


10kV distribution line is always set in countryside,There is not so much tall buildings,so when storm is coming.10kV distribution line is easy to be strucked by lightning.Because of 10kV distribution line's Insulation level is low,when Lightning occurs it always Bring heavy losses to system.It seriously affected the normal life of people production, sometimes even can pose a threat to the safety of people's life.Thus the distribution line lightning protection research is very important.

The object of this paper is a power supply line for a coal mine's wind machine.Once the line tripped or even more severe situation happened because of lightning stroke,The wind machine underground would stop working.It seriously affects the safety in production and the life safety of miners

The main task of this article is:first analyzes the basic conditions of the line,and then make a feasible plan.This paper contains the following programs:1 Installing lightning line across the line;2 reducing the tower grounding resistance; 3 Strengthening the Insulation level of the line;4 using line arrester to protect the tower of special position.

By using these programs to prove the line lightning protection level to make sure the line's

power supply is more safety and reliably.

KEY WORDS:10kV distribution line,Lightning resisting level,safety

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