八年级仁爱版英语下册Unit 5 Topic2 Section B 教案

八年级仁爱版英语下册Unit 5 Topic2 Section B 教案

2017-2018学年度 八 年级 班 英语 教案

Unit5 Feeling Excited 课 题 Topic2 I’m feeling better now 课 型 新授课 节数 Section B 备课人 知识与技能 教 学 目 标 审核人 授课人 日期 2 Learn new words and phrases to express our own emotion; try to learn to help others to keep away from bad emotion. 过程与方法 Learn the passage by teamwork and discuss together. 情感态度 Help students to care about others. Also give some good suggestions. Can use adj. about feelings freely, and discuss their emotion freely. Master the grammar. The understanding of “there, there” in the passage. Grammar about be +adj. +prep. 课时 主 案 共_1_课时 学法 自学 合作 探究 副案(修改栏) 教材 分析 教学 模式 重点 难点 三疑三探 一、设疑自探(10分钟) (一)创设情境,导入新课 Good morning, class! Maybe sometimes you feel sad and upset for no reason. It doesn’t matter. Everyone gets these feelings at your age. Why don’t you talk to your friends? You will feel better. Today we are going to learn Unit 5 Topic 2 and Section A. Now please turn to page 11 and see what we will learn today. (二)根据学习目标,提出问题。看到这些学习目标,你想知道什么?请提出来,预设: 1. How many new words and phrases in this lesson? What are they? 2. How to use English to care for others? 3. How to use be +adj. +prep? 出示下面的自探提示。 (三)出示自探提示,组织学生自探。(5 分钟)自探提示: 1 / 4

八年级仁爱版英语下册Unit 5 Topic2 Section B 教案

1. How many new words and phrases in this lesson? What are they? 2. How to use English to care for others? 3. How to use be +adj. +prep? 二、解疑合探(7 分钟) (一).小组合探。 1.小组内讨论解决自探中未解决的问题; 2.教师出示展示与评价分工。 问题 展示 评价 (二).全班合探。 1.学生展示与评价; 单词和短语: take it easy, fail, someone, feeling, joke Take it easy. Don’t worry. There, there! 句型: (1). How are you feeling today? (2). Why don’t you…? (3). It’ll be OK. 2.教师点拨或精讲。 ? fail the exam: 不及格 fail to do sth. 未能做到。如: He failed to get to the top of the mountain. 1 2 3 ? someone: somebody 某人 ? at one’s age: 在某人这样的年龄时,如: Your father began to work at your age. ? tell sb. jokes 给某人讲笑话 开某人玩笑: play a joke/ trick on sb. ? There, there. 好啦,好啦!there在这为语气词,表示安慰别人。 2 / 4

八年级仁爱版英语下册Unit 5 Topic2 Section B 教案

三、质疑再探:( 5 分钟) 1.现在,我们已经解决了自探问题。下面我们再回看一下,开始我们提出的问题还有那些没有解决? 2.本节的知识已经学完,对于本节的学习,谁还有什么问题或不明白的地方?请提出来,大家一起来解决. 四、运用拓展( 11 分钟) (一)根据本节学习内容,学生自编习题,交流解答。 请你来当小老师,编一道题,考考大家(同桌)! 1. I’m worried about my son. - ____ ____ ____ (别紧张). Children ___ ___ ____ (在他这个年龄) like to have their own ideas. ____ ___ ___ (顺便提一下 ), don’t _____ so _____ _____ him(对他这么严格). (二)根据学生自编习题的练习情况,教师有选择地出示下面的习题共学生练习。为了巩固本节知识,加强知识的运用拓展,老师也给大家设计了一些习题,检测一下大家对本节知识的掌握与运用情况,请看: 1)- I ________ (失败) the driving test yesterday. - Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. But ____ _____ _____ (这没什么). 2)- I have some ________ (麻烦)with my English. Could you help me? - No problem! 3) - Why is Lucy angry? - Because ________ (有人)played _____ (玩笑) on her just now. (三)全课总结 1.学生谈学习收获。通过这节课的学习,你都有哪些收获?谈一谈. 2.学科班长评价本节课活动情况。 3 / 4

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