

Ⅰ. 听句子, 选择最佳应答语。(5分)

( ) 1. A. No, they can’t. B. Yes, they did. C. It was excellent. ( ) 2. A. Once a week. B. Last night. C. Animal world. ( ) 3. A. Lazy. B. At school. C. Jennifer. ( ) 4. A. Because it has the worst service.

B. Because it’s the most expensive. C. Because it’s the closest to home.

( ) 5. A. Yes, she is. B. No, I’m not. C. No, she doesn’t. Ⅱ. 听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)

( ) 6. Where did Jim go on vacation last week?

A. To the mountains. B. To the beach. C. To the farm.

( ) 7. Who is the shortest of the three girls?

A. Wu Na’s cousin. B. Wu Yu. C. Wu Na.

( ) 8. What does Tom want to be?

A. A teacher. B. A reporter. C. An actor. ( ) 9. How much honey does May need?

A. One spoon. B. Two spoons. C. Three spoons. ( )10. When is Ben’s party?

A. Tomorrow evening. B. Tomorrow afternoon. C. Tomorrow morning.

Ⅲ. 图片理解 看图听描述,选择与你所听到的描述内容相符合的图片。其中有一幅图片是多余的。(5分) A B C


11. 12.

13. 14. 15.________ Ⅳ. 听短文, 选择最佳答案。(5分) ( ) 16. Where is Linda now?

A. At home. B. In the store. C. At school. ( ) 17. Who is Mike?

A. Linda’s brother. B. Linda’s friend. C. Linda’s cousin. ( ) 18. When will Mike’s birthday party start?

A. At 4:00 p.m. B. At 5:00 p.m. C. At 6:00 p.m.

( ) 19. How many sandwiches is Linda going to make?

A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. ( ) 20. How will Linda go to the party?

A. By bus. B. By taxi. C. By bike.



一、词汇 (每空1分,共15分)

A.根据句意、首字母或汉语提示,填入适当的单词(共7分) 1. How do people c New Year in your family? 2. You should not take away his box w telling him. 3. Many t ___ like to wear jeans at school. 4.W ___________is the fourth day of a week. 5. He often eats ____________(三明治).

6.Thanks a lot for your ____________(邀请). 7.Would you like ___________(组织) the class party? B.用所给词的适当形式填空。(共8分)

8. I was (surprise) that I met one of my old friends at the station. 9. No one helped them. So they had to do it (them). 10. My mother advises me (study) for the exam. 11. I sometimes make __ (care) mistakes myself. 12. You ________________ (not have) to worry.

13.I'm looking forward to _________(hear) from you soon.

14.We'll go to the Great Wall if it____________(not rain)tomorrow. 15.I learnt how __________(ride)a bike when I was six years old. 二、语法与情境对话。(每题1分,共25分)

( ) 1. —When did your uncle arrive China? —He got to Guangzhou the morning of the 16th of April. A. at; in B. in; in C. to; on D. in; on

( )5. Here’re two bananas. Please_________.

A. cut up it B. cut it up C. cut up them D. cut them up ( )6. ______yogurt do you need?

A. How many B. How much C. How far D. How long ( )7. ______cups of yogurt do you need?

A. How many B. How much C. How far D. How long ( )8. Here’s a cup filled________ coffee.

A. of B. with C. for D. to ( )9. John ate _________this morning.

A. two piece of bread B. two pieces of bread

C. two pieces of breads D. two bread

( )10. The man has some ________,but he never has ________for meals. A. chicken, chicken B. chicken, chickens

C. chickens, chicken D. chickens, chickens

( )11.The driver is very . He often drives his car . A. careful, careful B. carefully, carefully C. carefully, careful D. careful, carefully ( )12. I have to______for the math test.

A.study B.studying C.learning D.studied ( )13.Do you know ______ I miss you?

A.how many B.how much C.how long D.how far ( )14. The boy is thirsty (口渴的) and he drinks water.


A. too; too B. much; much C. too much; much too D. much too; too much ( )15.The students are very ______ at the ______ news.

A.surprised;surprising B.surprising;surprised C.surprised;surprised D.surprising;surprising ( )16. The film ______ Mr. Bean is very fun.

A. call B. called C. calls D is called ( )17. It’s six o’clock now. It’s time__.

A. get up B .got up C. to get up D. getting up

( )18. They didn’t go to bed________ they finished their homework. A. until B. because C. when D. if ( )19. Can you ____ English? Only ______.

A. speak , a little words B. say, a little words C. speak, a little D. say, a little ( )20.---Can you come and play football with me?

---_____. I have a lot of work to do.

A. Excuse me B. I hope so C. I’m afraid not D. It’s a pleasure ( )21. ——Excuse me, have you got any ink(墨水)? ——Yes, but only ______. A. a little B. a few C. little D. few ( )22. You must look _____ yourself and keep _______.

A. for, health B. after, health C. after, healthy D. for, healthy ( )23. I’m ill. Please give me some good _____.

A. advise B. advises C. advice D. advices ( )24.—Must we clean the classroom? —No,you______.

A.mustn't B.need C.needn’t D.aren't

( )25.—______? —It's Friday,the 26th.

A.What's the matter B.What's the date today C.What day is it today D.What's today

三、动词考查(每题1分,共10分) A) 选择填空。(请将此题答案填入上题后面的答题卡内) ( ) 26. Thanks a lot for ______me______ your birthday party.

A. invite for B. invite to C. inviting for D. inviting to

( ) 27. What _____ if they ______ to the class late?

A. will happen, go B. will happen, will go C. will be happening, will go D. will be happened ,go

( ) 28. Next you need ________the ingredients up. A. mix B. mixing C. to mix D. mixed

( ) 29. I’m doing my homework. Would you please ________the TV? A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down

( ) 30. Where is Jack? ——He basketball on the playground A. plays B. is playing C. is going to play D. play B)选择正确的动词词组,用其适当的形式填空。(5分) Prepare for hang out take out heard from take a trip 1. My parents are_______________________ my birthday party. 2. The woman________________ her son yesterday.

3. She will__________________ a book from the library tomorrow.

4. Lucy is going to _________________ to Shanghai this winter vacation. 5. They often___________________ in the street. 四、句型转换。(每空1分,共10分)

1. Don’t wear jeans to the party, or you’ll be the worst.(改为条件状语从句) you jeans to the party, you’ll be the worst. 2.Tom went to the park after he bought a gift.( 改为同义句 )

Tom ________ ________ to the park _________ he bought a gift. 3. Jack has to go to the doctor. (改为否定句)

Jack __________ _________ ______ go to the doctor?


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