
Unit1 My school

课题 Unit1 My school 内容 Part A Let’s talk & Look, ask 主备 and answer 一、课程标准 1. 能根据录音模仿说话。 2. 能做简单的角色表演。 二、教材解析 本课时讲授的核心句型是:Where is the...? It’s on the first/second floor. Is this the...? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. The ... is next to ... 教材通过Mike寻找教师办公室的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。且通过根据图片询问教室或场馆位置并做出回答的活动,进一步巩固上述核心句型的具体运用。 三、目标预设 1. 能理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话。 2. 能在情景中进行角色表演,运用句型Where is the ...? It’s on the first/second floor. Is this the...? Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. The ... is next to ...询问并回答学校设施的位置。 四、 重难点预设 1. 重点:正确理解并能按意群、有感情地朗读文本,且能准确读出核心词汇teachers’ office, second floor, next to, library, homework。 人 课型 对话课 复备教师 2. 难点:灵活掌握核心句型“Where is the ...? It’s on the first/second floor. Is this the ...? Yes, it is./No, it isn’t. The ... is next to ...”,并能根据实际情况进行问答。 五、评价设计 1. 通过听录音读、跟教师读、齐读、分角色朗读和Group work(Role play)活动检测目标1的达成情况; 2. 通过Look, ask and answer问答活动及Make a survey调查活动检测目标2的达成情况。 六、教学设计 第1课时 教学环节 Warm-up 1. 多媒体课件播放本单元歌曲Our school。学生初步感知本单元的学习内容。 2. Free talk 热身/复习学生们回忆师生间的打招呼用语,比比谁说的最多。 教学预设 (Warm-up/RevisionLead in ) 通过呈现Linda到一所新学校寻找教师办公室的情景导入本课时重点句型及词汇teachers’ office, second floor, next to, library。通过这一环节可使学生对本课时重点内容有初步了解,教师也可根据学生对新知的接受情况做到心中有数,并引入新课。 Guess and say看图片,感悟新的表达法。 Mike is also looking for the teachers’ office. 尝试回答Where is it? Is it on the first floor? No, it isn’t. It’s on the second floor. Is this the teachers’ office? 呈现新课 No, it isn’t. It’s next to the library. (Presentation) Watch and answer看视频,回答问题 What does Mike give to Miss White? His homework. Listen and imitate听音,仿读 1. Listen to the radio and read after it. 2. Read after the teacher. 3. Read together. 4. Read in roles. 角色扮演 Practice---Role play Group Work: Act out the dialogue in groups. Show time Three levels: Good, Great, Wonderful。 (此项活动和Listen and imitate部分共同检测目标1的达成情况) 趣味操练 (Practice) Practice---Look, ask and answer Ask and answer the position of the teachers’ office and that of the library with your partners. 学生结对,询问教师的办公室、图书馆等设施的位置。 Activity---Make a survey(此项活动和Look, ask and answer部分共同检测目标2的达成情况) 六人一组,一名同学扮演记者,运用本课时核心句型

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