6A Unit1 语法知识

Unit1 The king’s new clothes


1. long long ago很久以前 2. like new clothes喜欢新衣服

3. one day一天 4. foolish people愚蠢的人

5. be happy 很高兴 6. visit the king拜访国王 7. two men 两个人 8. make new clothes for you为你做新衣服 9. show the king his new clothes / show his new clothes to the king 向国王展示他的新衣服 10. try it on 试穿它 11. try them on 试穿它们

12. a lot of people许多人 13. try on these magic clothes试穿这些神奇的衣服 14. in his new clothes穿着他的新衣服 15. wear nice clothes穿着漂亮衣服 16. in the street在街上 17. look at the king 看着国王

18. point at the king指着国王 19. walk through the city步行穿过这个城市 20. laugh at him嘲笑他 21. want to make new clothes 想做新衣服 22. this afternoon 今天下午 23. get a card收到一张卡片

24. from my good friend 来自我的好朋友 25. come to my party 来参加我的派对 26. at half past four 在四点半天 27. an American cowboy一个美国牛仔 28. wear jeans穿牛仔裤 29.a Scottish man 一个苏格兰男人 30. wear a kilt穿着一条苏格兰短裙 31. Miss Fox 狐狸老师

32. her students她的学生们 33. fit well 很合身 34. play a game玩一个游戏 35. each student每个学生(单数) 36. tell a story讲一个故事 37. be quick 很快

38. say a sentence说一句话 39. on the mountain在山上 40. say the next sentence说下一句话 41. an old man一位老人

42. live in the house住在这个房子里 43. tell the boy a story给这个男孩讲一个故事 44. think hard 认真思考 /study hard 认真学习/work hard 努力工作 45. live in the forest 住在森林里

46. have to start the story again又得重新开始这个故事了47. some flowers 一些花

48. in front of the lion’s house在狮子的房子前面 49. walk by the house走到房子附近 50. pick a flower摘一朵花 51. be angry生气

52. an angry lion 一只生气的狮子 53. shout at the old man对老人大喊 54. give me your child /give your child to me把你的孩子给我

55. the old man’s child 老人的孩子 56. a beautiful girl一个漂亮的女孩 57. live with the lion和狮子生活在一起 58. be sick生病了

59. look after him照顾他 60. turn into a prince变成一个王子 61. be nice to her 对她友好 62. clever people聪明人 63. laugh at sb嘲笑某人 64. turn into 变成 65. What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服啊!

66. The king isn’t wearing any clothes. 国王没有穿任何衣服。

67. It’s Bobby’s turn. 轮到波比了。 68. What’s next?接下来是什么?



ar:/ɑ:/ arm farm farmer are car card hard park party garden

large start Mark March Art cartoon /?:/warm quarter / ?/ popular


1. 时态:一般过去时

(1)一般过去时的概念:表示在过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,长与表示过去的时间状语连用,如:yesterday(昨天), last weekend(上个周末), this morning(今天早上),three days ago, long long ago等,其谓语动词用过去式。 (2)过去式的构成:

①be动词:am/is ---was;are---were 否定形式:was not=wasn’t;were not=weren’t ②情态动词:can---could 否定形式:could not=couldn’t ③规则变化的行为动词

a.直接加ed 如:walked looked played stayed

b.以e 结尾的加d 如:loved liked lived danced skated moved


如:try-tried carry--carried study--studied cry--cried d.双写最后一个辅音字母再加ed

如:plan--planned stop--stopped chat—chatted (3)动词过去式加ed的读音规则

①在清辅音/p/ /k/ /s/ /?/ /t?/后读/t/,或者说在字母p, k, sh, ch后面读/t/

如:walked, worked, asked, liked, looked, picked, cooked, helped, jumped, laughed, danced washed, brushed, finished, watched, touched

②在浊辅音/b/ /v/ /m/ /n/或元音后读/d/

如:lived learned cleaned climbed showed played ③在辅音/t/ /d/后读[Id]


如:pointed shouted started wanted visited waited chatted needed



(1)in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服(是介词词组,一般放在句尾), wear the new clothes

穿着新衣服(是动词词组,跟在主语之后),put on着重于“穿”和“戴”的动作。 (2)tell sb. sth. 表示告诉某人某事, 如:tell the boy a story(给这个男孩讲一个故事),

tell sb. about sth. 表示告诉某人关于某事, 如:tell her about her new school (告诉她关于她的新学校的事)

(3)each 强调个体,后面跟单数名词,如:each student (4)say to sb 对某人说,如:say to me

(5)make … for … 为……制作….., 如: make a birthday cake for him (6)show sb(人) sth(物)如:show you a new bike,

show sth(物)to sb(人) 如: show a new bike to you

(7)感叹句:单数: What a/an +形容词+单数名词! 复数:What +形容词+ 复数名词! (8)It’s one’s turn. one’s 可用形容词性物主代词(my , your, his, her, its, our, their), 或用名

词所有格,如:Liu Tao’s 三、小作文

The king’s new clothes

Long long ago, there ____ a king. He ______ new clothes very much. One day two _____ _____ the king. They _____ to_____ new clothes for _____. The king was ______. The two men _____ the king his new clothes.

The king _____ _____ the magic clothes. ______ people could see them. ______ people _______ not see _____.

The king _______ through the city _______ his new clothes. There _____ a lot of _______ in the street. They ______ at the king and ______. But a little boy ______ _______ the king and _______ at _____.


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