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The children are playing in the park. )

…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Its the Mid-Autumn Festival.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. People get together and eat mooncakes on this day.



( ) 1..f_ mi _y A. a, l B. i, a C. o, i ( ) 2..s_i_g A. w, a B. w, n C. u,n ( ) 3..picni_ A. o B. i C. c ( ) 4. qu_ tly A. i, r B. i, o C. i, e ( ) 5. worr _d A. i, e B. a, t C. q, o


1.happy(副词)_____________ 2.heavy(副词)_____________ 3.take(过去式)___________ 4.child(复数)_____________ 5.bark(现在分词)_________ 6.quickly(翻译)_____________ 7.wanted(原型)____________ 8.magic (翻译) _____________ 9. 80centimetres(翻译) _______10.miss(翻译)_____________

四. 判断下列翻译与所给句子是(√)否(X)符合’。(10分)

( ) 1. The children are playing happily. 孩子们正玩的很开心。 ( ) 2. Please speak loudly. 请不要大声说话。 ( ) 3. Let’s go to the park. 让我们去动物园吧 ( ) 4. How tall are you? 你很高。

( ) 5. I feel so lonely here. 我在这里感觉到很孤独。


1. He can’t hear his friend clear. ( )____________ A B C

2. What is you dong ? ( )____________ A B C

3. Mrs Gao is dances happily. ( )____________ A B C

4. She wants to fly at the moon. ( )____________ A B C

5. Let’s go to the park to a picnic. ( )____________ A B C


Come here ! 你有多重? Make the bed 中国茶 I’m late. 起床 How heavy are you? 叠被子 Wake up. 我迟到了 Chinese tea 过来!

We can’t go so lonely here. I feel anywhere now! I want to the park. Let’s go to go swimming

七、选择,从三个选项中选出一个最佳答案完成下题。(20分) ( ) 1. Katie always ______ early every day.

A. gets up B. get up C. getting to ( ) 2. It’s raining_______.

A. heavy B. heavys C. heavily ( ) 3. The children are _______ in the living room.

A. swim B. swims C. playing ( ) 4. Peter’s mother _____him to the doctor.

A. took B. / C. about ( ) 5. We are drinking _______.

A. milk B. tea C. Chinese tea ( ) 6. We ____ to the park last week.

A. go B. went C. going to ( ) 7. --_____ tall are you?

--- I don’t know.

A. How B. What C. Why ( ) 8. Let’s go to the _____ .I want to read.

A. library B. park C. zoo

( ) 9.My father always leaves _____ work at 7:00

A. to B. for C. at ( ) 10. I want ______ fly to the moon.

A. for B. go C. to 八、连词成句(10分) 1. I, to, fly, the, to, moon, want (.)


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