scanf(\ printf(\,minute):\scanf(\ sec1 = t1.hour * 3600 + t1.min * 60 + 0; sec2 = t2.hour * 3600 + t2.min * 60 + 0; if( sec1 >= sec2 ) sec3 = sec1 - sec2; else
sec3 = sec2 - sec1; t3.hour = sec3 / 3600; sec3 %= 3600; t3.min = sec3 /60; t3.sec = sec3 `;
printf(\ return 0; }\12.2 \/* 题目内容:
1) 院士奖学金:期末平均成绩高于80分(>80),并且在本学期内发表1篇或1篇以上论文的学生每人均可获得8000元;
2) 五四奖学金:期末平均成绩高于85分(>85),并且班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生每人均可获得4000元;
3) 成绩优秀奖:期末平均成绩高于90分(>90)的学生每人均可获得2000元; 4) 西部奖学金:期末平均成绩高于85分(>85)的西部省份学生每人均可获得1000元; 5) 班级贡献奖:班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生干部每人均可获得850元; 只要符合上述条件就可获得相应的奖项,每项奖学金的获奖人数没有限制,每名学生也可以同时获得多项奖学金。例如姚明的期末平均成绩是87分,班级评议成绩82分,同时他还是一位学生干部,那么他可以同时获得五四奖学金和班级贡献奖,奖金总数是4850元。 现在给出若干学生的相关数据(假设总有同学能满足获得奖学金的条件),请编程计算哪些同学获得的奖金总数最高。 结构体类型定义如下: typedef struct winners {
char name[20]; int finalScore; int classScore; char work; char west; int paper; int scholarship; } WIN;
函数原型:void Addup(WIN stu[], int n); 函数原型:int FindMax(WIN student[], int n); 程序运行结果示例: Input n:4↙
Input name:YaoMing↙ Input final score:87↙ Input class score:82↙ Class cadre or not?(Y/N):Y↙
Students from the West or not?(Y/N):N↙ Input the number of published papers:0↙ name:YaoMing,scholarship:4850 Input name:ChenRuiyi↙ Input final score:88↙ Input class score:78↙ Class cadre or not?(Y/N):N↙
Students from the West or not?(Y/N):Y↙ Input the number of published papers:1↙ name:ChenRuiyi,scholarship:9000 Input name:LiXin↙ Input final score:92↙ Input class score:88↙ Class cadre or not?(Y/N):N↙
Students from the West or not?(Y/N):N↙ Input the number of published papers:0↙ name:LiXin,scholarship:6000 Input name:ZhangQin↙ Input final score:83↙ Input class score:87↙ Class cadre or not?(Y/N):Y↙
Students from the West or not?(Y/N):N↙ Input the number of published papers:1↙ name:ZhangQin,scholarship:8850
ChenRuiyi get the highest scholarship 9000
输入学生姓名:\ 输入学生成绩:\
输入是否为学生干部:\(注意:%c前面有一个空格) 输入是否为西部学生:\(注意:%c前面有一个空格) 输入发表文章数量: \
输出学生获得的奖学金: \
char name[20]; int finalScore; int classScore; char work; char west; int paper; int scholarship; } WIN; int main()