中央广播电视大学第一学期“开放专科,,期末考试 英语I(1) 试题第一部分交际用语(10分) 1.一A——
———My mother is retired.My father is a manager·
A.What do your parents do? 。 B.Where are your parents?
C.What are your parents doing right now? 2.—C—What time does the train leave? A.On Tuesday. B.In the morning. C.At half past five. 3.A一Excuse me,how do I get to the gym,please? A.You take the number 66 bus from the supermarket.
B.You get off outside the supermarket.
C.I’d like to see them.
4.—B—What does your sister look like? A.She likes singin9.
B.She S tall and wears glasses. C.She looks depressed.
5.—A—Would you like to go with us?
A.I’d love to. B.1 would like. C.It’S fine to go. 第二部分词汇与结构(40分)
6·John is—C—0nly accountant in my son’s company.
A.a B.an C.the
7-There—B—four children in the picture. A.is B.are C.have
8·We often have—B—supper at horne. A.US B.our C.Ours
9·—B—Chris worried about the presentation last week?
A·Is B.Was C.Were
10一sometimes go to the pub—A—Friday. A.on B.in C.at
11.London is—A—capital of Britain,and it iS——9reat city,t00.
A·the,a B.a,the C.a,fl 12·Have you got—B—cream,please? A.some B.any C./
13·Lily and Lucy are—C—a picture-book in their room.
A·looking B.watching C.reading 14·I have two brothers.One is a driver,—C—is a policeman.
A·one B.other C.the other 、 15.一B—is the man near the bank? 一Oh,he is Tom.
A.What Bi Who C.HOW 16.Which is ,the Yangtze River or the Yellow