
(A卷)第 1 页 共 10 页


英语 专业 基础英语 试卷 (A卷)

Ⅰ. Match each word with its definition: 10% Words:

1) councilor 2) arrogant 3) fidgeting 4) impostor 5) intervene 6) inevitable 7) obscene 8) awe 9) murmur 10) dingy 11) league 12) lug 13) moribund 14) staunch 15) coma 16) commotion

17) restrain 18) exhilarated 19) distinctive 20) lust Definitions:

a) which can’t be prevented from happening b) morally disgusting; likely to corrupt


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c) person who pretends to be somebody he is not

d) member of a group of people chosen to make laws, rules or decision for a country

e) take action in order to prevent something from happening f) moving about restlessly g) full of pride and self-importance h) dirty-looking; not fresh or cheerful i) at the point of death

j) hold back from doing something

k) clearly marking a person or thing as different from others

l) a state of long unnatural deep unconsciousness caused by disease, poisoning, a severe blow and so on m) a mixed feeling of respect, fear and wonder n) pull or carry with great effort and difficulty o) speak in a low but not clear voice p) great or noisy confusion or excitement q) very strong, obsessive desire r) dependably loyal and firm s) in very high spirits

t) group of people who share the same opinion

Ⅱ. Fill in each blank with the derivative of the words in parentheses. 10% 1) I owe you an ____because I was so bad-tempered yesterday.( apologize) 2) It seems that they are tired of the hustle and bustle of the city life and would

like to live ____ lives in their own little world. (isolation)

3) To earn a raise you need to take more_____ and show more enthusiasm for the

job. ( initial)

4) I keep strictly to my subject and remember not to introduce anything____ to the


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subject. ( relevant)

5) Good news came in ___ from the battlefield. (succeed)

6) Shakespeare is, by common ______, the greatest English dramatist. (consent) 7) The ___ of job is the characteristic of an economic recession.(scarcely) 8) Air pollution has become a great_____for human being in modern society. (pose)

9)The ____ of the new library is scheduled on Monday. (inaugurate) 10) Quickness of____is the mark of a good student.(apprehend)

Ⅲ. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and adverbs. 8%

1) It was out of our expectation that he rounded ____ his teaching career by

entering the business of fur trading.

2) The boss seems to have some prejudice ___ the young inexperienced worker. 3) We all bent _____ finishing the job in time no matter how hard it is. 4) He put the books and magazines on the bookshelves _______ random . 5) He used to look down upon his poor relatives because they were all ___ the


6) Japan is a country which is subject ___ earthquake.

7) Usually the interviewer attaches great importance ___ the educational

background, abilities and past experience of the applicant.

8) The staff in this company are entitled ____ free physical examination once a


9) He is the best one whom you can fall ___ on when you are in difficulty. 10) Every student in our school is supposed to act in accordance ____ the school

rules and regulation. You are no exception.

11) He was caught red handed in the super market for tucking a box of chocolate

_____ in his over coat.

12) This kind of place is______ of bounds to children under 16.


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