译林牛津版高一英语模块三Unit 1 The world of our senses 语言点

Ⅰ.高考单词→识记·思考·运用 1.核心词汇

①________ adv.&conj.无论哪里

②________ vt.靠近,接近,临近;着手处理 n.靠近;方法;路径 ③________ adj.感激的,表示感谢的

④________ vt.使连在一起,把??附在??上;认为??重要 ⑤________ adj.镇静的,沉着的,平静的 vt.&vi.使平静,镇静 ⑥________ n.志愿者 vi.&vt.自愿做,义务做 ⑦hesitate vi.犹豫,迟疑不决→________ n.犹豫,踌躇

⑧anxious adj.焦虑,忧虑;渴望;非常希望→________ adv.忧虑地;不安地;渴望地

⑨suit n.套装 vt.适合,满足需要→________ adj.合适的,适当的,适宜的 ⑩________ n.缺陷;伤残→disabled adj.有残疾的;丧失能力的

答案 ①wherever ②approach ③grateful ④attach ⑤calm ⑥volunteer ⑦hesitation ⑧anxiously ⑨suitable ⑩disability 2.常考词汇

①sign n.________ v.________ ②forecast vt.&n.________

③narrow adj.________ v.________ ④stare vi.________ ⑤whisper vi.&vt.________

⑥contrary adj.________ n.________ ⑦panic vi.&n.________ ⑧relief n.________ ⑨reduce v.________

⑩analyse vt.________ ?ignore vt.________ ?employ vt.________

答案 ①符号,标志;迹象 署(名),签字 ②预测,预报 ③狭窄的;狭隘的;勉强的 (使)变窄;缩小 ④凝视,盯着看 ⑤小声说;私下说 ⑥相反的 相反的事实或情况 ⑦惊慌,恐慌 ⑧轻松,宽慰 ⑨减少;使陷入窘境,使沦落 ⑩分析 ?忽视;对??不予理会 ?使用;雇佣 用所给单词的适当形式填空

1.What you said left all of us in ________.We were ________ completely.(confuse) 2.My mother always gets a bit ________ if we don’t arrive when we say we will.We can even feel her ________.(anxious)

3.The ________ has been ________ the situation of that region for a long time,so his ________ is believable.(observe)

4.________ though the girl is,she refuses to let her ________ prevent her from doing what she wants.(disable)

5.The travellers in the ________ village saw in the ________ a lake and trees growing beside it,but they didn’t exist actually.(distant)

6.It surprised and kind of embarrassed me that many distant relatives,most of whom I hardly ________(recognize),turned up for my brother’s wedding.

7.With exams ________(approach),it’s a good idea to review your class notes. 8.To our great ________(relieve) the children all arrived home safely.

9.As a matter of fact,what ________(attract) me most to the job was the chance to travel.

10.________(where) you go,let us know what is going on.

答案 1.confusion;confused 2.anxious;anxiety 3.observer;observing;observation 4.Disabled;disability 5.distant;distance 6.recognized 7.approaching 8.relief 9.attracted 10.Wherever 【联想·积累】 ?“天气”一族

①thunder n.&v.雷;打雷 ②lightning n.闪电 ③storm n.暴雨 ④shower n.阵雨 ⑤rain n.&v.雨;下雨 ⑥tsunami n.海啸 ⑦typhoon n.台风 ⑧mist n.&v.薄雾,水汽 ⑨haze n.雾霾 ⑩fog n.雾


下列动词的过去式和过去分词与原形相同: ①forecast 预测,预报 ②broadcast 广播 ③hurt 伤害 ④shut 关闭 ⑤cost 花费;值 ⑥cut 切,割 ⑦rid 去除 ⑧set 设置

?有趣的名词词尾“-er和-ee” ①employer 雇主,老板 employee 雇员,员工 ②examinee 应试人 examiner 考官;审查人 ③trainer 培训师,训练员 trainee 实习生,受训者 ④interviewer 面试官;采访人 interviewee 被采访者;参加面试者

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