


二、 肯定句改一般疑问句的方法——三步法

1、含be动词或情态动词的句子 秘诀:一调二改三问号 一调:即把句中的be或情态动词调到主语前;

二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I\\my \\mines\\we\\our\\ours等第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称you\\your\\ yours等; 三问号:句末的句号改为问号。

Eg:6. I am an English teacher.→ Are you an English teacher? Eg:7. We can speak English fluently.→Can you speak English fluently? 做题步骤:(句子中是be动词,即是am, is, are)

1、把be动词(am, is, are)或情态动词放在句首,剩下的照抄。 2、人称变化: 一变二、二变一、三不变。(第一人称变成第二人称、第二人

化。) I ---- You my --- your we --- you 3、some 改成any 4、句点改成问号。

把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am listening to music. 2. Mike is a student. 3. They are in the zoo.

4. There are some flowers in the vase. 5. This is my sister. 6. We are sweeping the floor.

7. There is an ostrich in the zoo. 8. It is a beautiful park. 9. It is a big map. 10. You are a singer.

将下列句子改成一般疑问句 1. It is a lovely dog. 2. She is lovely girl. 3. He is my father. 4. They are Lily’s cousins. 5. We are classmates. 6. I am a doctor.

7. There is a bird in the tree. 8. There are many stars in the sky. 9. They are good friends.

10. There are many books on the shel把下列肯定句变成一 疑问句

1. I love my parents.

2. I play computer games every night. 3. We have a pleasant home. 4. We like to climb the mountain. 5. They go to church on Sunday. 6. They walk to school every morning. 7. He likes English.

8. His father goes to work by bus.(乘公共汽车) 9. He goes to school every day.

10. I want to have a model car(摩托车). 把下列句子变成一般疑问句。

1. She wants a cup(杯) of coffee(咖啡).

2. The boy does some housework(家庭作业) at home. 3. The children had a good time in the park(公园). 4. Jim has some story-books.(故事书)

5. The old man does morning exercises(早操) every morning. 6. He often goes to the library(图书馆) on Sundays. 7. They have a class meeting every week. 8. She does smoke. 9. He often watches TV.

10. My father likes play Ping-Pong. 一般疑问句的回答

1、含有be动词的一般疑问句 --- Is he ... ? --- Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t. --- Are you ... ? --- Yes, I am. / No, I am not.

2、含有实意动词的一般疑问句 --- Do you ... ? --- Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. --- Does he ... ? --- Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

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