
Play a game: ask and answer one by one. S1: I’m going to … What are you going to do? S2: I’m going to … What …? 3.Learn “send postcard”:

This summer I am going to go to Beijing. Beijing is beautiful, I’ll send you a postcard from Beijing. ( Teach: send, postcard )

( Make a sentence: I’ll send you a postcard from _____ . ) 4.Presentation of the dialogue: 1) Listen and answer the questions: Where is Amy going to go this summer? What is Amy going to do this summer? What will Daming do?

Will they send a postcard to Daming? 2) Listen, point and find “will, going to”. 3) Read the sentences “I’m going to …” “I’ll …” 4) Read the dialogue.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension 1. Act the dialogue. 2. Finish an exercise:

This summer, Amy is going to go back to ______. ______ is going to go, too. Lingling is ______ to speak _____ everyday. Maybe Damiong ______ visit his grandpa’s _______. He will _____ a postcard from China. Amy and Lingling will

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send a ______ from England. 3. Make a survey: Name ging to Daming vsit a farm Step 4 Summary

Do you know to say your plan? Do you remember the children’s plan? Step 5 Homework

1. Listen to the tape and read after it for 5 times. 2. Try to act the dialogue with your friends 3. Talk about your summer vocation plan. Step 6 Blackboard design Module 10 Unit 1 I’ll send you a postcard. I’m going to …

I’ll send you a postcard from…

Module 10 Unit 2 I’m going to go to London. 一、教学目标与要求 1、知识与能力目标

了解一般将来时态的结构,会运用一般将时态进行描述。 会运用书信的形式与他人进行交流。 2、情感态度目标

学会与朋友和谐地交流, 学会计划一件事情。 二、教学重点及难点

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The main points: the words and the sentences in the passage. The difficult points: to make a short passage about your plan. 三、课前准备 pictures, tape-recorder 四、教学过程 Step 1 Warm up c) Sing a song.

d) Free talk: What are you going to do this Sunday? What will you do this summer? Step 2 Presentation and practice

1. London is a very beautiful place. Image if you’re going to go to London, are you happy? So what will you see in London? What are you going to eat there? ( Teach: Big Ben, English restaurant, English food. ) 2. Guide into the passage:

You know Amy and Lingling are going to England, and they are going to send a postcard to Daming. Now, they are in London. What do they say on the postcard to Daming?

1) Is Lingling happy in England? 2) Where is she going to go tomorrow? 3) What will she see?

4) What and where will she eat? 5) Does Lingling like English food? Now listen to the tape and find the answers.

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3. Listen and answer the questions.

1) Lingling is having a great time in England. 2) She is going to go to London. 3) She will see Big Ben.

4) She is going to eat English food in an English reataurant. 5) She likes English food very much. 4. Listen and repeat. 5. Try to recite the letter.

Step 3 Consolidation and extension

1. Help the Ss recite the passage according to the blackboard design. 2. Finish an exercise: Dear Daming:

I am ____ a great time in England. Tomorrow I’m going to go to _____. I _____ see _______. We are _______ eat in an ______ restaurant. English food is very _____. I _____ English food very much.[ Have a ____ holiday. From, Lingling

3. Look and say: Where is she going to go? Pictures: Tian’an men, beach, lake, bingma yong

a) She is going to Beijing. She is going to see Tian’an men. b) She is going to Hainan. She is going to see the sea. c) She is going to Guilin. She is going to see the lake.

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