摘 要:随着网络和通信技术的不断发展以及人们生活水平的提高,人们对各种资源(例如:水,电,煤气)的消费日益增长,资源消费的计量、管理和收费工作日益复杂,提高管理层次和自动化水平的产品因此应运而生。而以往人工方式抄收耗能表,既不能保证数据的准确性和实时性,还会造成大量人力、物力及时间的浪费,同时还带来错抄、漏抄、沽抄的现象。因此传统人工抄表方式已经越来越不能适应今后住宅的发展需求和人们的生活需求,取而代之的将是是户外的远程抄表系统,这样能够统一抄写集中传送居民水、电、煤气二表数据的远程自动抄表系统的设计与实现就提上了日程。
Based on SCM long-distance meter reading system design
Abstract:Along with the network and communication technology unceasing
development and the improvement of people's living standard, people of all kinds of resources (such as water, electricity, gas) consumption grows, the consumption of resources, management and work measurement fee increasingly complex, improve the management level and the level of automation products so arises at the historic moment. Whereas artificial way copy energy dissipation table, both neither can guarantee the accuracy of the data and real time, still can cause huge human, material and waste of time, but also bring the wrong copy, copy, copy of sell leakage phenomenon. So the traditional artificial meter reading way already more and can not adapt to the development of the future housing demand and people's living needs, instead of the outdoor is long-distance meter reading system, so that can transmit residents on unified copy of water, electricity, gas two table data remote automatic meter reading system design and implementation will carry on the agenda.
This essay generally structure is divided into five parts: the first part introduces the meter reading system research background and developing trend; The second part of the system are analyzed to achieve the basic functions, and proposed in this foundation the system hardware and software design project; The second part of the specific introduces automatic meter reading system hardware design, described the whole system hardware realization process; The fourth part for software design, including the overall process design, programming realization of the operating system and transplantation; The fifth part introduces the hardware and software of data acquisition terminal debugging, debugging to the problems of the solutions are. At the end of the paper to make a brief summary of the work.
Keywords: intelligent meter reading system, long-distance meter reading system, automatic meter reading system, AT89C52
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