牛津上海版初三九年级上英语 unit2 同步复习教案-精选教育文档

(Ox) 9A Unit 2 Traditional skills

I. Vocabulary

1. pole 2. cormorant 3. elderly 4. control 5. raft 6. underwater 7. require 8. rod 9. bamboo 10. reach 11. swallow 12. bang 13. remove 14. rest 15. traditional 16. skill 17. skin 18. mention 19. straight 20. situation


21. imagine 22. process 23. dive 24. late 25. neck 26. divide 27. raise 28. cross 29. fisherman 30. fit 31. elderly 32. beard 33. switch 34. remove 35. programme 36. raise 37. displayed 38. enjoyment 39. interview 40. employ

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41. crew 42. lorry 43. interpreter 44. translate 45. darkness

II. Useful Expressions 1. up to 2. set off 3. so that 4. up and down 5. at night 6. be good at doing sth. 7. be used to do 8. require sb. to do sth. 9. set off 10. enable sb. to do sth. 11. be divided into 12. except for 13. be interested in doing 14. no more 15. in the world 16. thousands of 17. the majority of 46. hang 47. well-built 48. thinly-built 49. curly 50. bald

到达(某数量,程度等);至多有 出发;动身 (表示目的)为了,以便 起伏;上下波动 在夜晚 擅长做某事 被用来做某事 要求某人做某事 出发 使某人能够做某事 被分成(几分) 除……之外 对...感兴趣 不再 在这个世界上 成千上万 大部分 第 2 页

18. be processed into 19. by hand 20. instead of 21. be famous for 22. be proud of 被加工成 用手 而不是 因...而出名 为...感到骄傲 III. Useful Structures/Grammar

1. Damin sits on the side of the river cooking o meal, with a large bird on his head. 2. He is thin, and of average height, but he is very fit. 3. Although he is an elderly man, he is strong enough to control his raft in the river where he lives and works with his cormorants. 4. They can dive down 25 metres, and stay underwater for up to two minutes. 5. Damin’s fishing trips often begin in the late afternoon. 6. He sets off on his bamboo raft with his birds. 7. He ties a piece of grass around the neck of each bird, so that it cannot swallow the fish. 8. Later some of the fish are sold, and the rest are divided between Damin’s family and the cormorants. 9. In 50 years, perhaps there will be no more cormorant fishermen in the world. 10. Their large feet are used to push them quickly through the water.


I. Word Formation

1. frightened (v.) 2. hang (ved) 3. ability (v.)

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