2017年七下英语Unit1 People around us 单元教案牛津深圳版

2017年七下英语Unit1 People around us


Unit 1 People around us 教案

课题:Unit 1 --- People around us (阅读课) 课时:第 1 课时,共4课时 课型: new words 教学目标:

1.To know the meaningw words and the students can use the words to ma2.To traudents’ abila教学重点: The pronunciation and the usagw words: cheerful , hard-working , paart, forget, smellurage, remain , support successful, rememb教学难点: The usagw words: forgber , paa教学准备: 1.Uures and games and PPT2.a record教学步骤:Warming up. Freely talk:

who do you like best around you ?wuacher,fadPPT to talk abou2 New wordRead the new words aaa2.Group wbw wordHeludents wave trouble in reading the new wordwords learningw the PPTaningwordPart A1. 2. Let Ss maww wordHave awords and givagrouReading

Bading : 1.Alook aures andlarticles on

pag2answWhile reading : 1.Read the article quickly, andPart D2answPost reading: 1.APart C1 and C2. 2answReciting the articlPlay the talisten and repea2.Show PPTll the articlxTo consulate the usagw wordummaGive them aaper to wwordHomewDicta2aThe blackboard design

Unit 1 People around ubul快乐 2.as well 也ake care of 照顾 4.tell jokes 讲笑话ake sb laugh 使某人发笑 6.be good at 擅长于…

7.b对某事严格要求 bwith sb对某人严格要求 课题:Unit 1 People around us (听说课) 课时:第2课时,共 4 课时 课型:Listening Speaking 教学目标:

1.Learn how to uw wordases to describe a2. improvlistening and speaking skills 教学重点: To cag words when listening 教学难点: Learn to taquickly when listening 教学准备: Group work. Self—study 教学步骤:: Prepalistening and speaking Review some words and phrases which can be used to describe a2: Do the listening

1.Play the listening materialwa2answaking Give a sample dialogue to students and aa:Maabout the listeningTelldwords.

2.Write dowwords you glistening paaking学习双元音/iə/、 /eə/、/uə/

1)Read aaa2)Read blv2.Lape andAanswLearn A2. AadPay aldaking up

Work in groups to discule they l: Who do you like? S2: I like …

S1: What does/did he/she look like? …:Sum uHomewThe blackboard design Unit 1 People around u描写人的外貌的词 2. 双元音/iə/、 /eə/、/uə/ 课题:Unit 1 People around us(语法及运用课) 课时:第3时,共 4 课时 课型:Grammar

教学目标:grasp the usagdword the andw2. to raudents’ abilum up some language rul教学重点: Know when should ua noun and when we should not use it and the usagwith phrases to describe a教学难点: When we should not ua noun. 教学准备:PPT, Blackboard

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