【初中英语】中考英语一轮复习:考点跟踪突破试卷(26份) 人教版22

考点跟踪突破6 八年级(上)Units 3-4


1.—You look worried.

—Yes,I'll be late,could you give me a __C__ in your car?

A.seat B.hand C.lift D.choice

2.Hong Kong pop star Coco Lee __B__ the finals of the fourth season of I Am a Singer on April 8th,2016.

A.win B.won C.wins D.has won

3.My aunt is a good actress,and she plays many different kinds of __C__ all her life. A.actors B.films C.roles D.gestures 4.Every time I asked the boy the reason why he was late for school,he always__D__ an excuse.

A.turned up B.picked up C.called up D.made up

5.Some families in the mountains are so __B__ that they can't afford their children's education.

A.tired B.poor C.full D.worried

6.It can be good for you to __C__your feelings with someone you trust.

A.support B.explain C.share D.collect

7.—I realize that I have a lot __A__with Bob.We like many same things. —No wonder he is your best friend.

A.in common B.in need C.in danger D.in order

8.This is an important exam for Sally,so she must take it __B__.

A.truly B.seriously C.greatly D.suddenly

9.During the hot days in summer,lots of people go to the beach,which makes there really __C__.

A.clean B.beautiful C.crowded D.relaxed

10.Practice makes perfect.You are sure to speak Japanese well __B__ you keep on practicing it every day.

A.as soon as B.as long as C.as well as D.as far as



A:Hello.May I speak to Bob?

B:Hello.11.This_is_Bob_speaking/Bob_speaking/Speaking/This_is_Bob.Is that Tony? A:Yes,Bob.12.What_are_you_doing?

B:I'm just listening to music.What's up?

A:I'm going to your city to take part in a competition. B:Glad to hear that.13.When_are_you_arriving_(at_the_airport)/(here)/When_will_you_arrive_(at_the_air


A:I'm arriving on June 24th.Can you meet me at the airport at 4 p.m.on that day? B:14.Sorry/I'm_sorry/I'd_love_to,but I'm afraid I can't.I will ask my brother Henry to meet you.

A:Oh,but I don't know Henry.15.What_does_he_(your_brother/Henry)_look_like?

B:He has brown hair and wears glasses.He looks exactly like me. A:OK.See you then. 三、完形填空。(2016,安徽)

Philip is the bravest boy I know.His friends and family are all very__16__ him.

Ten-year-old Philip was born with an__17__ which means that he is always breaking his bones(骨头).Although he has such a serious illness,Philip__18__ playing sports.In January last year he__19__ wheelchair racing.He came second in his first__20__,and since then Philip has won every other race!

In order to look for a new challenge(挑战),Philip__21__ to take part in the London Wheelchair Marathon(马拉松).__22__,five days before the race Philip got sick.He didn't want to__23__.He finally made up his mind to take part.Philip was given medicine by his doctor and guess what?He not only__24__ it,but he also finished in first place!

Philip is very__25__ and never gives up.That's why he has been chosen to be the Bravest Child of the Month.

16.A.proud of B.afraid of C.angry with D.strict with

17.A.ability B.effort C.illness D.interest 18.A.stops B.avoids C.minds D.loves

19.A.watched B.started C.cancelled D.held 20.A.journey B.race C.class D.interview 21.A.regretted B.hated C.failed D.decided 22.A.Instead B.Also C.However D.First 23.A.give up B.sit down C.set off D.go out 24.A.refused B.left C.completed D.invented 25.A.brave B.honest C.polite D.fair

16~20 ACDBB 21~25 DCACA 四、阅读理解。

The Four Famous Persons Who Got the Nobel Prize Name The date of birth Natio -nality The main contri Madam Curiee Nov.7th,1867 French The Nobel Prize Roentgen Mar.27th,1845 German The Nobel Prize Mo Yan Feb.17th,1955 Chinese The Nobel Prize Tu Youyou Dec.30th,1930 Chinese The Nobel Prize

-bution for physics,1903 for physics,1901 The Nobel Prize for chemistry,1911 for literature,2012 for physiology or medicine,2015 The main introd -uction One of the The first one who The pioneer of greatest scientists got the prize in Chinese literature in the world the field The first Chinese scientist who got the prize in the field 26.________ were born in the nineteenth century. A.Madam Curiee and Roentgen B.Roentgen and Mo Yan

C.Madam Curiee and Tu Youyou D.Roentgen and Tu Youyou

27.According to the form above,Madam Cruiee got the Nobel Prize for chemistry when she was ________ years old.

A.36 B.44 C.54 D.62

28.Thanks to the discovery of ________,more patients can be cured(治愈). A.Madam Curiee B.Tu Youyou C.Roentgen D.Mo Yan

29.The ________ scientist is the first one who got the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine.

A.French B.German C.Chinese D.America

30.Which of the following is TRUE according to the information above? A.Tu Youyou got the Nobel Prize for physiology or medicine in 2012. B.Madam Curiee got the Nobel Prize three times. C.Mo Yan is called the pioneer of Chinese literature. D.Roentgen is a famous writer.

26~30 ABBBC


Sydney (悉尼) is in the east of Australia. It is a lively city.It's famous for its Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.The weather is warm.The temperature is about 12 degrees in winter.And it is about 35 degrees in summer.It has beautiful beaches and many parks.

In the west of Sydney,there is a big park called the Blue Mountains.You can see many visitors in the park from different countries.It's quite a popular park.The only way to see this park is by going through a bush(荒野小路).Then you can find some nice gravel(砂砾) roads.The roads can take you to the Blue Mountains.Of course,you will need to travel with food and water.31.To_see_a_small_part_of_the_mountains,you_need_some_days,because_there_are_many_roads_to_get_to_the_Blue_Mountains. Sydney has many beautiful beaches.Two of them are quite famous.They are Bondi and Manly.Bondi has a nice street with many shops and restaurants.Parking is not difficult in the place.Manly is a great beach.If you want to go there,you can take a boat.It's a cheap and great way to see the Sydney Harbour.It will take you minutes.32.If_you_are_going_to_visit_Sydney,I_hope_you_will_enjoy_it. about


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