


项目名称(Project): 合同编号(Contract No.): 签订地点(Place of signing): 签订时间(Date of signing):

甲方(Party A): 乙方(Party B):

鉴于甲、乙双方在 项目(“项目”)中互相披露保密信息,为了促进双方间的洽谈以及项目有关合同的签订与履行,明确协议双方的保密责任,甲、乙双方经平等、友好协商,签订本协议,以共同信守。

Whereas, Party A and Party B may mutually disclose the confidential information and materials for the project (the “Project”); Whereas, to facilitate the discussion, execution and implementation of the Project related contracts by both parties and to clarify the confidential obligations thereof, Party A and Party B wish to sign this Agreement after equal and friendly negotiation.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto, intending to be legally bound, do hereby agree as follows:

1. 名词释义 (Definition)


The Disclosing Party shall mean the party who disclose confidential information under this agreement.


The Receiving Party shall mean the party who receives confidential information under this agreement.


Both parties under this agreement could be either the Disclosing Party or the Receiving Party.


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The Confidential Information hereunder refers to all information and data or all technical information and materials, which are unknown to the public and disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the Receiving Party, including but not limited to, the Disclosing Party’s any or all business information, financial information, technical information, means of production and meeting materials and documents such as software, procedures, inventions, techniques, designs, drawings, proprietary technology, engineering, flows, methods, hardware configuration information, client lists, contracts, prices, costs, research reports, estimation and evaluation, statements, business plans, commercial secrets, business modes and company resolutions in respect of research, development, production, products, service, clients and market. The Confidential Information includes both those which are recognized in writing as confidential or proprietary, and those which are given orally, visually or in some other intangible form; provided, however, where information and materials are disclosed orally, visually or in some other intangible form, the disclosed information shall be regarded as confidential information if and when such information is summarized in writing by the Disclosing Party within 10 days of such disclosure to Receiving Party.


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Period of the Confidentiality: Both parties agree upon negotiation that the Receiving Party shall not divulge or disclose any Confidential Information having obtained from the Disclosing Party to any third party during the Period of the Confidentiality as defined in Section 2 below, nor shall it use the same for any purpose other than the Permitted Purpose. 1.6知识产权:指任何专利、商标、实用新型、图纸、计算机模型、实用模型、设计权、著作权(包括但不限于对计算机软件的著作权)、数据库权、发明、商业秘密及其他保密信息、技术信息、技术秘密、商号、商誉及所有其他知识产权和在世界任何地方类似或相应性质的权利,无论登记与否或能否登记,同时包括所有申请及为前述权利办理申请的权利。

Intellectual Property Rights shall mean any and all patents, trademarks, service marks, registered designs, drawings, computer models, utility models, design rights, copyright (including but not limited to copyright in computer software), database rights, inventions, trade secrets and other confidential information, technical information, know-how, business or trade names, goodwill and all other intellectual property and rights of a similar or corresponding nature in any part of the world, whether registered or not or capable of registration or not and including all applications and the right to apply for any of the foregoing rights.

2. 保密期限 (Period of Confidentiality)

协议双方约定本协议保密信息的保密期限为: 年 月 日起至 年 月 日止共计 年,涉及知识产权的,其保密期限应截止到其法定有效期届满之日。

The Period of Confidentiality as agreed by the Parties hereunder is from _______ to ________ totaling up to ______ calendar years. As far as the Intellectual Property Rights are concerned, the Period of Confidentiality

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shall be subject to expiration of its respective validity in accordance with applicable laws.

3. 保密信息的范围(Scope of the Confidential Information) 3.1本协议中保密信息涉及到的范围是:协议双方在洽谈、签订、履行项目有关合同过程中相互披露的保密信息及与合作项目相关的其他保密信息。

The scope of the Confidential Information hereunder involves that disclosed by both parties to each other during the course of negotiation, execution and performance of the Project related contracts, as well as other confidential information in relation to the Project in cooperation. 3.2以下情况不属于保密信息的范围:

The following is excluded from the scope of Confidential Information: 3.2.1披露之前已被公众所周知的信息;

any information that has been known to the public before disclosure; 3.2.2经过披露方书面授权对外发布的信息;

any information authorized by the disclosing party for disclosure; 3.2.3在没有接触保密信息的情况下,获取方独立开发取得的信息; any information acquired by the receiving party independently without access to the confidential information;


any information that is furnished to others by the Disclosing Party without restrictions on disclosure;

3.2.5接收方通过披露方以外渠道合法获取且无保密限制的信息; any information that becomes rightfully known to the Receiving Party without confidential restrictions from a source other than the Disclosing Party;

3.2.6 应法律授权的任何行政机关、政府机构或法院签发的传票、质

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