牛津译林版七年级上册英语:Unit 2 Let’s play sports 词汇与语法基础训练

牛津译林版七年级上册英语:Unit 2 Let’s play sports 词汇与语法基础训练

drawing n. 画画

Unit 2 Let’s play sports



walking n. 散步,步行 really adv. 的确,确实 bowl n. 碗,盆 time n. 次,回 tennis n. 网球 volleyball n. 排球

enjoy vt. 享受…的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱 player n. 运动员 member n. 成员 club n. 俱乐部 free adj. 空闲的 hope vt. 希望 dream n. 梦想;梦 true adj. 真的,真实的

weekend n. 周末 shop vi. 购物 else adv. 另外;其他 lot det. & pron. 许多,好些 fun n. 享乐,乐趣;有趣的事 team n. 队;组 match n. 比赛,竞赛 hero n. 偶像;英雄

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牛津译林版七年级上册英语:Unit 2 Let’s play sports 词汇与语法基础训练


1. enjoy verb /?n?d???/ to get pleasure from something 享受…的乐趣;喜爱;欣赏 例句:

I really enjoyed that movie. 我真的很喜欢那部电影。

I want to travel because I enjoy meeting people and seeing new places. 我想去旅游,因为我愿意结识不同的人,见识没去过的地方。

2. free adjective /fri?/

1). not limited or controlled 自由的(地);无拘束的(地) 例句:

Am I free to leave now? 现在我可以离开了吗?

I'll give you a key, so you'll be free to come and go as you like. 我会给你一把钥匙,这样你就可以自由进出了。 2). costing nothing, or not needing to be paid for 免费的(地)

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牛津译林版七年级上册英语:Unit 2 Let’s play sports 词汇与语法基础训练 例句:

I got some free cinema tickets. 我搞到了一些免费电影票。

Members all receive a free copy of the monthly newsletter. 会员都会收到一份免费的通讯月刊。

3). not doing anything planned or important, or available to be used 空闲的;空余的;未使用的 例句:

I do a lot of reading in my free time. 我业余时间大量读书。

She's in a meeting at the moment, but she should be free to see you in ten minutes. 她此时正在开会,但10分钟以后她会有空见你。

3. dream noun & verb /dri?m/

1). n. a series of events or images that happen in your mind when you are sleeping 梦,睡梦,梦境 例句:

I had a very strange dream about you last night. 昨晚我梦见了你,那个梦非常奇怪。 Paul had a dream that he won the lottery. 保罗梦见自己彩票中了奖。

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