

目 录

中文摘要 ??????????????????????????? (Ⅳ) 英文摘要 ??????????????????????????? (Ⅴ) 1 引言 ???????????????????????????? (01) 1.1 研究现状 ???????????????????????? (01) 1.2 主要理论基础 ?????????????????????? (02) 2 旅行社与游客间信息不对称形成的原因 ????????????? (02) 2.1 旅行社的信息优势 ???????????????????? (02) 2.2 旅游者的信息劣势 ???????????????????? (03) 2.3 旅游产品的特性 ????????????????????? (03) 2.4 旅游信息的特征 ????????????????????? (04) 3 旅行社与游客间信息不对称的表现 ??????????????? (04) 3.1 旅行社对游客的信息不对称 ???????????????? (04) 3.2 游客对旅行社的信息不对称 ???????????????? (07) 4 信息不对称对旅行社经营的负面影响 ?????????????? (07) 4.1 导致旅行社决策者失误 ?????????????????? (07) 4.2 增加旅游者的后悔值,降低游客的满意度 ?????????? (08) 4.3 导致旅行社的信任危机 ?????????????????? (08) 4.4 打击潜在旅游者的积极性,减少旅游市场需求 ???????? (08) 4.5 旅行社之间不正当竞争,影响旅行社正常经营和发展 ????? (08) 4.6 严重阻碍旅行社业的发展 ????????????????? (09) 5 降低旅行社与游客间信息不对称的对策 ????????????? (09) 5.1 建立健全旅游行业政策法规,创建良好的法律支持环境 ???? (09) 5.2 政府转换职能,规范市场经济 ??????????????? (09) 5.3 加强旅游行业管理部门的监管职能,完善信息披露制度 ???? (10) 5.4 旅行社加强行业自律,诚信经营 ?????????????? (10) 5.5 加强旅行社信息化,促进旅游信息公众化 ?????????? (10) 5.6 充分发挥第三方的力量 ?????????????????? (12) 6 结语 ???????????????????????????? (12) 注释 ????????????????????????????? (13)

参考文献 ??????????????????????????? (14)


摘 要


【关键词】:旅游信息 信息不对称 旅行社 游客


Discussing on Influence and Countermeasure of Information Non-symmetry between Travel Agencies and Travelers


Information non-symmetry between travel agencies and travelers is one of the reasons why

tourists’ rights and interests are invaded, but also one of the important reasons that lead to reputation lapse of travel agencies, and it could counteract the development of travel agencies themselves. This article begins with the analysis on the reason of information non-symmetry between travel agencies and travelers, then enumerates various phenomena of information non-symmetry between the travel agencies and tourists, and analyzes negative influence on travel agencies caused by information non-symmetry. At last, it brings up the solutions to the information non-symmetry between them, in order to negative influence.

【Keywords】 tourism information; information non-symmetry; travel agencies; travelers


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