

摘 要




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The Design and Implementation of Yunnan Tourism

Information Platform


With the steady growth of tourism industry, travel departments are now facing tougher competition between each other. Various information of the process is coming up at each stage, such as accounts payment status, client request and feedback from contracting parties, and so on. And the information volume is ever growing and becoming more sophisticated. Most departments usually handle these information manually leaves big room for omission and errors, and quite a part of resources might not be utilized efficiently. Therefore, a computerized system shall be developed to better integrate the information and utilize the resources a company equips.

Because of the current situation of the tourism industry, the article provides a feasibility method to solve the problem. The method uses the modernization of a unified computer network system, implements the traveling management on the Network and stores various types of information in an orderly manner. The ordinary users can browse information. There is a demand for the users. The users are premised through the authentication. Then they can browse information, order on-line, and use the Forum. The system implements a variety of business systems to achieve the data integration and information integration. The

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system manages the travel agencies, hotels of all types of information and resources. The system uses of JSP technology to build dynamic sites and Furthermore, tourism information can be known quickly and tourists can book through the internet by using ASP to establish a Tourism web.

Keyword: information of tourism; network; Tourism Web





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