


I. Translate the following (10%) 1. From English into Chinese : (5%)

( 1 ) exclusive territory 专营地区 ( 2 ) shipping mark 唛头 ( 3 ) profit and loss 盈亏,损益 ( 4 ) payable on receipt 货到付款 ( 5 ) remittance 汇付 ( 6 ) confirmation of purchase 购货确认书 ( 7 ) inventory 存货 ( 8 ) F.A.S. 船边交货价 ( 9 ) tender 投标

( 10 ) T . P . N . D . 偷窃、提货不着险 2. From Chinese into English : ( 5%)

( 1 )空白背书 blank endorsement ( 2 ) 凭单据付款 cash against documents ( 3 ) 记名提单 straight B/L

( 4 ) 商品交易所 Commodity Exchange

( 5 ) 品质证明书 certificate of quality II. Choose the correct answer : (20%)

1. The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the __B___ by accepting the offer to transform the offer's promise into a contractual obligation.

a. offerer b. offeree受盘人 c. firm offer d. non-firm offer 2. We learn from ABC Co. that you are producing for export hand-made gloves ___B__ natural leathers.

a. in variety b. in a variety of c. various of d. in various kinds of 3. We are ____A_ to your commercial office in Beijing, from whom


we learned that you are a leading importer of electric goods in your area. a. indebted 使恩惠 b. engaged c. indeed d. debted 4. It is essential that you ___B__ competitive prices.

a. quoting b. quote c. making d. make 5. If your prices and qualities are satisfactory, we will place a __B___ order on you.

a. considerate b. considerable c. much d. few 6. We are pleased to place with you an order for the following items on the ___C__ that they will be supplied from current stock.

a. understanding b. understand c. terms d. stock 7. The shipment was delayed because you had failed __D___ the necessary space.

a. to order b. order c. book d. to book 8. This price will remain __B___ for ten days from the date of the letter.

a. valuable b. valid c. invaluable d. good 9. __C__ a limited supply is available at present , we would ask you to act quickly.

a. Because b. As c. On account of d. Since 10. __C___ the balance, we will advise you of the position in a few days.

a. Concern b. Regards c. Regarding d. With 11. The offer is ___C___ confirmation.

a. made b. bound to c. subject to d. used for 12. Now, with our stock __C , the maximum we can supply is 50 tons.

a. diminish b. diminished c. diminishing d. being diminished


13. Our future offers will include your 2% commission ___C . a. unless informed b. unless otherwise informed c. unless otherwise stated d. unless otherwise state 14. I'm sure that this quality is superior _B____ that.

a. from b. to c. than d. for 15. If you renew your offer for a further five days, we believe we can put the business __C___ .

a. off b. on c. through d. in 16. We will consider _C____ your terms of payment.

a. accepted b. to accept c. accepting d. accept 17. It ____D_ that we very much appreciated your support you have extended us in the past.

a. is necessary b. is important c. goes without saying

d. goes without doubt

18. We regret to say that there is no stock ___D__ for your order. a. preferrable b. considerable c. possible d. available 19. We have already notified the insurance agent at our end __A___ .

a. of the loss b. in the loss c. with the loss d. without the loss

20. Our manager says he'd rather you _B____ tomorrow instead of today.

a. had come b. came c. have come d. comes

III. Translate the following messages : (10%)

1. 销售合同5421,请电告信用证号码,以便我方安排装运,谢谢。 2. 第TS502号售货确认书及第7625号信用证项下4000打男衬衫已装“珍



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