牛津译林版英语八年级Unit3 A day out教案(1)

Unit 3 A day out

1.读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况。 教学 2.复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识。 目标 3.学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受。 教 学 重、难 点 1.读懂文章,了解此次游玩的基本情况。 2.复习和拓展有关世界名胜的知识。 3.学会用正确的形容词描述旅游的感受。 教 学 设 计 Step 1:Daily greetings: T:Good morning,everyone. S:Good morning. T:How are you? S:I'm fine,thank you.And you? T:I'm OK.Thank you.Sit down,please. Step 2:Show\ T:Today we will learn Unit 3 Reading(I).Please look at our \ T:Are you clear? S:Yes. T:Let's go on. Step3:Show\ Guide One Listen to the tape and and answer the questions: 1.Where did Linda go? 2 .Who did she go with? 3. How long was the journey? 4. Did she enjoy the journey at the beginning? 5.How many models are there in the park?

6.Which places of interest did they see? 7.Which part did Linda think was also wonderful? 8.Where can Linda’s mother see the photos of the trip? Let's have a match and see who can do it best. Step4:Show\ Guide Two Match the words on the left with the meaning on the right,then read them out.(B1) Let's have a match and see who can do it best. Step5:Show\ Guide Three 1.Do the exercise in PartB2 2.Do the exercise in Part B3 Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false. Have a match!Who can do it best? Step6:Class Exercise (一) Class Exercise (二)

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