2018考研英语小作文写作技巧:金融类摘要 - 毙考题



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在考研英语写作的日常练习中,同学们一般会把大量复习精力放在大作文上,下面小编考研总结了一些实用的小作文常用表达,一起来学习吧! 2018考研英语小作文写作技巧:金融类摘要 中文摘要 

金融危机又称金融风暴,是指一个国家或几个国家与地区的金融指标的急剧恶化。金融危机可以分为货币危机、债务危机、银行危机、次贷危机等类型。金融危机的特征是人们基于经济未来将更加悲观的预期,整个区域内货币币值出现幅度较大的贬值。产生危机的背景非常复杂,主要有以下几方面促因。(1)美国的消费习惯。借钱消费是普遍的生活方式。(2)经济管理思想。新 自由主义 思潮受到追捧。(3)经济环境与具体政策工具。(194字) 参考范文

Financial Crisis

Financial crisis, also known as financial tsunami, refers to the dramatic deterioration of the financial indicators of a certain country or several countries and regions in the world. It can be classified as currency crisis, debt crisis, banking crisis, sub-loan crisis, etc. The feature of the crisis is that people are pessimistic about the economic future because of monetary depreciation occurring throughout the region. The causes for the crisis are complicated with multiple reasons, mainly from three aspects, i.e., the U.S. consumption habits of borrowing, the idea of free economic management, and the economic environment and specific policy instruments. (99 words)


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