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作者:金琦淳 李寒霜 陈炜炜
摘 要: 为了克服底座风扇式散热器一旦开启便一直匀速运行,而无法自动调节转速的缺点,设计一款智能温控散热器。该散热器由温度采集、电机驱动、显示等模块组成。系统根据实时采集到的温度,通过控制器自带的脉宽调制(PWM)寄存器,使得风扇的速度跟随被控电机的速度而发生改变,从而达到智能温控散热的目的。 关键词: 笔记本电脑; STC12C2052; 智能温控; 散热器
中图分类号: TN37?34; TP302.1 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2016)10?0113?03
Design of intelligent temperature control radiator based on microcontroller JIN Qichun, LI Hanshuang, CHEN Weiwei
(School of Mechatronic and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, Zhangjiagang 215600, China)
Abstract: The base fan?type radiator may keep a constant speed while opening, and its rotate speed can’t be adjusted automatically. In order to overcome the above shortcomings, an intelligent temperature control radiator was designed. The radiator is composed of the temperature acquisition module, motor driver module, display module, etc. According to the real?time acquired temperature, the fan’s speed can be changed with the speed variation of the controlled motor by means of PWM register owned by the controller itself, so the purpose of heat dissipation by intelligent temperature control is achieved.
Keywords: laptop; STC12C2052; intelligent temperature control; radiator
1 系统设计原理
龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn