
Unit 4 Life on Mars(各课时练习)

第一课时(Comic strip & Welcome to the unit)


1.在火星上的生活_________________________ 2.将来________________________________ 3.住在其他行星___________________________ 4.在太空中旅行________________________ 5.戴太空头盔_____________________________ 6.没有污染____________________________ 7.以药片的形式___________________________ 8.讨厌做饭____________________________ 9.问你一个问题___________________________ 10.更多火星生活的情况_________________ 11.得到我的食物__________________________ 12.听起来十分的枯燥___________________ 二、根据所给的提示写单词

1.Mars __________(be) one of the eight planets of the Sun.

2.Every day, the old fisherman can get a lot of fish with his ____________(fish) net.

3.Nancy likes playing with ________(照相机)when she has time, but Bob likes playing with _______(火柴) 4.There isn’t any ______________(pollute) on Mars.

5.Doyou know how many ____________(行星) the solar system has? 6.I hope your dream will come true in the f________. 7.The child is good at playing the ___________( 吉它)



1. 由于人口的快速增长_________________________ 2.火星上的重力_______________________ 3.在火星上创造一个更好的世界___________________________________________ 4.发展能够种在火星上的植物_____________________________________________

5.对早期的火星移民而言_________________________ 6.容易跳得很高______________________ 7.大约只有地球重力的八分之三___________________________________________ 8.与地球上的生活作比较_________________________________________________ 9.住在大而舒适的穹状建筑物中___________________________________________ 二、根据句意、首字母及提示完成句子 1.Both Earth and Mars are p_____________.

2.Can you __________(to form a picture in your mind of what something might be like) a blue horse with a yellow tail? 3.There is a small boat ___________(to move slowly in the air or on the water) on the river. 4.The dog waited _____________(怀着希望地) beside the table for some food.

5.Many cities are becoming more and more c_____________ because of too many people.

6.The water has been ______________(pollute) by the waste water. Let’s do something to stop it. 7.The soup has very little ____________.(tasty)

8.The coat is so tight and I think it will make you feel ___________.(comfortable) 四、单项选择

( )1.Our country is becoming ___________.

A.more beautiful and more beautiful B.more and more beautiful C.more beautiful and beautiful D.beautiful and more beautiful ( )2.We have many kinds of food.____________.

A.have B.has C.about D.with ( )3.We must _______ children’s reading habits as early as possible.

A.form B.help C.improve D.organize ( )4.I am very busy and I have no time _______ with you.

A.to go shopping B.go shopping C.for shops D.for go shopping ( )5.________ number of the students _________ very large in our school.

A.A,are B.A,is C.The,are D.The,is

( )6.Only ________ of the students have passed the English exam.

A.two fives B.second fives C.two fifth D.two-fifths ( )7.Here are all kinds of hair clips for everyone ___________.

A.choosing from B.to choose C.to choose from D.chosen from ( )8.It may be difficult __________ what our future cars will be like.

A.imagine B.to imagine C.imagining D.imagines ( )9.There are _____________ people on Earth.

A.too many B.many too C.much too D.too much ( )10.There will _________ be no schools on Mars.

A.probably B.probable C.likesly D.possible


一、根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺的单词。 1.I’m s_______ you will win the game.

2.This photo r________ me of my old friends.

3.The d_______ between you and me wouldn't be a problem. 4.This is the road that c________ the city.

5.Everything is p________ if we want it enough.

6.Is there any p_________ that you’ll be back by the weekend? 7.How can you tell the d__________.

8.Football is a game w________ is liked by most boys. 9.He never thinks what others think a_______ him. 10.This is a s________ decision. 二、翻译下列短语

1.在 16岁时___________________________ 2.环绕太阳一次____________________________ 3.收到他的飞行执照____________________ 4.火星到太阳的距离________________________ 5.由于低重力漂在空中__________________ 6.在火星上生活的可能性____________________ 7.没有食物、水和空气_________________________________________ 8.有着巨大舒适房间的穹庐建筑物_______________________________ 三、单项选择

( )1.They don't know ___________ their parents are.

A.that B.what C.why D.where ( )2.Please tell me _________ last year.

A.what does your sister work B.where did your sister work C.where your sister works D.where your sister worked ( )3.She asked me if I knew ____________.

A.whose pen is it B.whose pen it was C.whose pen it is D.whose pen was it ( )4.You must remember ___________.

A.what your mother said B.what did your mother say C.your mother said what D.what has your mothere said ( )5.Did you know _________?

A.who he was looking after B.who was he looking for C.who he is looking for D.who he is looking after ( )6.Could you tell me ___________?

A.when will they leave Beijing B.when would they leave Beijing C.when they will leave Beijing D.when did they leave Beijing

( )7.—What was the party like? —Wonderful. It’s years _______ I enjoyed myself so much. A.after B.before C.when D.since

( )8.Mother was worried because little Alice was ill,especially _______ father was away in France.

A.as B.that C.during D.if ( )9.Why do you want a new job ________ you got such a good me already?

A.that B.where C.which D.when

( )10.After the war, a new school buiding was put up ________ there had once been a theatre. A.that B.where C.which D.when ( )11._______ is known to everybody,Taiwan is a part of China. We must unify it. A.It B.As C.Which D.What

( )12.I shall never forget the day _______ Shenzhou V was launched, _____ has a great effect on my life. A.when,which B.that,which C.which,that D.when,that ( )13.The bread my wife makes is much better that _________ you can buy at a store.

A.that which B.one that C.that of which D.this of which ( )14.There is no such place _______ you dream of in all this world..

A.that B.what C.which D.as

( )15.The people,_________ had been damaged by the flood,were given help by the Red Cross. A.all whose homes B.all of whose homes C.all their homes D.all of their homes

第四课时(Integrated Skills)


1.进行_______________________________ 2.学生所占的百分比________________________ 3.搬离地球___________________________ 4.为我们做全部的工作______________________ 5.由于居住在那儿而得病_______________ 6.与……不同______________________________ 7.上周六晚上_________________________ 8.错过了它的一部分________________________ 9.在太空中旅行_______________________ 10.在网上的学校学习_______________________ 11.生活在另一个星球上________________ 12.伤害人们_______________________________ 二、根据句意或首字母写出单词,使句意通顺

1.The _________ of the students who would like to move away from Earth is 50%.

2.All the things have two sides,that means everything has both ________(优点) and ________(缺点). 3.The pollutinon does h________ to all the living things. 4.We had a d_________ about a survey on living on Mars.

5.There might be much more space for everyone on Mars. It’s too c________here on Earth. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空

1.The questions she asked last week is still under ___________(discuss). 2.Some of the students are afraid of __________(see) aliens there. 3.Some students said that __________(travel) in space would be fun.

4.There was a survey _________(carry) out in schools in Sunshine Town last week. 5.Some kther students were __________(worry) about _________(live) on Mars. 四、完成句子


I ______________________________ the programme. 2.它以一个有关在火星生活的调查的讨论来开始。

It _______________ a _______________ a survey on living on Mars. 3.一些学生说生活在另一个行星上也许会很有趣。

Some students said that ________________________would be very interesting. 4.然而,另外一些学生担心因生活在那儿而得病。

However, _____________________ were ________________________________.

5.他们甚至害怕在那儿看到外星人,因为他们认为外星人是如此的危险以至于会伤害人们。 They were even __________________________ aliens there because they thought that aliens were so ________________________

第五课时(Study Skills)


1.毕竟_________________________________ 2.一种不同的生活_________________________ 3.想要你们都去_________________________ 4.看英文电视节目_________________________ 5提高我的听力技能_____________________ 6.每天背五个生词_________________________ 7.喜欢上英语课_________________________ 8.不停地用英语写下来_____________________ 9.考试得到好的成绩_____________________ 10.犯拼写错误____________________________ 11.学好新语法规则______________________ 12.喜欢说英语____________________________ 二、首字母填空

Sandy is not s_________ if she would like to live on Mars. It w_______ her. But Daniel thinks is’s very s_______. After all, h_______ have already been to the Moon. He thinks living on Mars is just a d_________ kind of life. It would be great to live on a________ planet. Sandy thinks if all her friends go t_______, it should be f________. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空

1.Can you remember new words ___________(easy).

2.Try to think about your studies in order to find out your _________(weak) and ___________(strong). 3.Do you enjoy __________(be) in English class?

4.I keep __________(write) down in English what happened last week.

5.I plan __________(watch) English TV programmes at weekends to improve my _________(listen) skills. 四、完成句子


I ______________ the new words ________________. 2.我会一直不停地用英语写下一周内所发生的事。

I will ___________________ what ______________________. 3.为了提高我的英语听力水平,我计划周末看英语电视节目。 I ____________________ at weekends _______________________. 4.居住在另一个星球上将会很棒,因为它是一种不同的生活。

It would _____________________________ because _______________________. 5.毕竟,人类已经到过月球了。

________________,_____________________the Moon already.



1.火星生活指南___________________________ 2.用激光使动物远离_______________________ 3.值大约10美元__________________________ 4.与地球完全不同_________________________ 5.非常受欢迎的形式_______________________ 6.去某个安静的地方_______________________ 7.飘浮在空中____________________________ 8.没有空气污染的交通________________________ 二、根据句意及首字母完成句子 1.This e________ clock goes fast. 2.His watch is w_______ 8,000 yuan.

3.Things on Mars are not expensive. They are c________. 4.Air p_________ is a big problem in our country.

5.You can buy a ticket at the entrance to the ___________(剧院).

6.Since everything is done, you can have good ______________(娱乐).

7.We __________(比较) the two products carefully, but found nothing different.

8.My brother liked Maths better than English, but I _________(更喜欢) English to Maths. 三、单项选择

( )1.There is not any water __________ air on the Moon.

A.and B.but C.or D.not ( )2._______ of the students have their own computers.

A.Two-eleven B.Two-elevenths C.Two-eleventh D.twice-elevenths

( )3.The baby is sleeping now. Could you _________ the TV a bit?

A.turn down B.turn up C.turn on D.turn off ( )4.A large number of students _________ playing football in the playground. A.is B.to be C.have D.have ( )5.The exam is not as difficult as we ______before.

A.to expect B.expect C.expected D.expecting ( )6.Mr Smiths _________ sending e-mails ________ letters because it is faster.

A.prefer,to writing B.prefer,to write C.prefers,to writing D.prefers,to write ( )7.He didn't spend enough time on Maths. __________,he failed the exam. A.Although B.Even though C. As a result D.So ( )8.This charity provides food, drinks and education _________ poor children. A.with B.for C.to D.on

( )9.—This red dress looks so _________! —It is _________ designed for a famous actress. A.special,special B.specail,specially C.specially,special D.specially,specially ( )10.If you want to go _________, you may go to the park.

A.to somewhere quiet B.to quiet womewhere C.somewhere quiet D.quiet somewhere 四、完成句子


What _________________________________________? 2.它使我们感觉到好像我们真的处于游戏中。

It makes us _____________________________________. 3.现在很流行的一种休闲方式就是在线游戏。

A very _________________________________________. 4.来自地球的东西难在火星上找到。

Things _________________________________________. 5.这件特地为她设计的大衣看上去很时尚。

This coat ________________________________________. 各课时答案



life on Mars, in the future, live on other planets, travel in space, wear space helmets, no pollution, in the form of pills, hate cooking, ask you a question, more about living on the planet Mars, get to my food, sound quite boring. 二、根据所给的提示写单词

is, MP3, fishing, cameras; matches, pollution, planets, future, guitar 三、选择方框里的短语的适当形式填空

1.agreed to 2.need to 3.may be 4.get to 5.hope 6.help him a lot 四、句型转换

1.How, like 2.ne no 3.do you 4.Robots, cares for us 5.must be fun 6.Why do



1.because of the rapid increase of population 2.the gravity on Mars

3.build a better world on Mars 4.develop plants that can grow on Mars 5.for early settlers on Mars 6.easily jump very high

7.only about three-eighths of the gravity on Earth 8.compared with life on Earth 9.live in domes with huge comfortable rooms 二、根据句意、首字母及提示完成句子

1.planets 2.imagine 3.floating 4.hopefully 5.crowded 6.polluted 7.taste 8.uncomfortable 三、用方框中所给的单词的适当形式填空

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